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- Copyright © The Classical Association 2005
1 In the Name of Rome. The Men who won the Roman Empire. By Goldsworthy, Adrian. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 2003. Pp. 415, with 15 maps and diagrams. Hardback £20Google Scholar.
2 Swords against the Senate. The Rise of the Roman Army and the Fall of the Republic. By Hildinger, Erik. De Capo Press, 2004. Pp. xiii + 240. Paperback £14.99Google Scholar.
3 Trajano. By Blázquez, José María. Ariel, Barcelona, 2003. Pp. 309. HardbackGoogle Scholar.
4 Roman Military Diplomas IV. By Roxan, Margaret and Holder, Paul. Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, London, 2003. BICS Supplement 82. Pp. xx + 313, with 68 colour and black and white plates. Paperback £75Google Scholar.
5 Documenting the Roman Army. Essays in Honour of Margaret Roxan. Edited by Wilkes, J. J.. Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, London, 2003. BICS Supplement 81. Pp. xviii + 204, with portrait and black and white plates. Paperback £45Google Scholar.
6 Rome at War. Farms, Families, and Death in the Middle Republic. By Rosenstein, Nathan. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 2004. Pp. x + 339, with 3 tables, 2 figures. Hardback £31.50Google Scholar.
7 The Gladiators. History's Most Deadly Sport. By Meijer, Fik. Translated from the Dutch by Waters, Liz. Souvenir Press, London, 2004. Pp. xvii + 266, with about 50 figures, and a map. Paperback £9.99. (Cover and publicity sheet have ‘The Gladiators’: this was a preview copy, and there could have been changes before publication.)Google Scholar.
8 Gladiators at Pompeii. By Jacobelli, Luciana. Getty Publications, Los Angeles, 2004. Pp. 128, with 120 colour illustrations. Hardback $29.95Google Scholar.
9 Gladiator. Film and History. By Winkler, Martin M.. Blackwell, Oxford, 2004. Pp. xii + 215, with 26 figures. Paperback £15.99Google Scholar.
10 The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic. Edited by Flower, Harriet. Cambridge U. P., 2004. Pp. xv + 405, with 33 illustrations and maps. Paperback £19.99Google Scholar.
11 Cambridge Illustrated History of the Roman World. Edited by Woolf, Greg. Cambridge U.P., 2003. Pp. 384, with illustrations throughout. Hardback £30Google Scholar.
12 Nero. By Champlin, Edward. Belknap Press, Harvard UP., Cambridge MA, 2003. Pp. 346, with 5 portraits, 5 maps. Hardback £19.95Google Scholar.
13 Cassiodorus. Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning On the Soul. Translated by Halporn, James W. with an introduction by Vessey, Mark. Liverpool U.P., 2004. Translated texts for historians 42. Pp. x + 316, with two illustrations. Paperback £18.50Google Scholar.
14 Cf. G&R 51 (2004), 124.
15 Falsificazione di Documenti Pubblici nella Roma Tardorepubblicana (133-31 A.C). By Fezzi, Luca. Le Monnier Università, Firenze, 2003. Pp. vi + 151. Paperback €10. (I have accepted a copy of the work as a gift from the author.)Google Scholar.