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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1991
1. Homer, the Odyssey. Translated by E. V. Rieu, revised by D. C. H. Rieu in Consultation with P. V. Jones. Pp. lii + 394, with 1 map. Paper £4.99.
2. A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey. Volume I Introduction and Books i–viii; Volume II Books ix–xvi. By Alfred Heubeck, Stephanie West, and J. B. Hainsworth and Alfred Heubeck and Arie Hoekstra. Pp. xii + 396 and xii + 300. £12.95 each.
3. Hesiodi Theogonia, Opera el Dies, Scutum. Edited by Friedrich Solmsen. Fragmenta Selecta. Edited by R. Merkelbach and M. L. West. Pp. xxix + 246. £11. 95.
4. Democritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology. American Philological Ass. Monograph Series no. 25. Pp. xii + 243. Cloth $26.95, paper $21.95.
5. Roman Civilization, Selected Readings. Vol. I The Republic and the Augustan Age; Vol. II The Empire. Edited by Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold. Pp. xi + 674 and vii + 674. $126.00.
6. Catullus. A Commentary by C. J. Fordyce. Pp. xxix + 422. £14.95.
7. Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil. Translated by David R. Slavitt. Pp. xxiv + 145, with drawings. $12.95.
8. The Roman World. Edited by Wacher, John. Pp. 1 and xiv + 872, with plates and figures. £40.00Google Scholar.
9. Pompeii. Rebuilding the Past. Written and illustrated by Peter Connolly. Pp. 77, with colour illustrations. Hardback £7.95, paperback £4.95.
10. Lucian, Satirical Sketches. Translated with an introduction by Paul Turner. Pp. 320. Cloth $29.95, paper $12.95.
11. Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court AD 364–425. Clarendon Paperback. By Matthews, John. Oxford U. P., 1990. Pp. xiv + 445. £17. 50Google Scholar.
12. Ancient Greek Coins. Coins in History. By Jenkins, G. K.. Pp. x + 182, with 35 colour and 439 black-and-white illustrations and 1 map. £35.00 netGoogle Scholar.
13. The Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology. By Grimal, Pierre. Blackwell, Oxford, 1990. Pp. vii + 456, with 7 tables. £17. 95Google Scholar.
14. J. G. Frazer, his Life and Work. By Ackerman, Robert. Pp. x + 348, with frontispiece and 11 illustrations. £6. 95 netGoogle Scholar.