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1. The Penguin Dictionary of Ancient History. Edited by Speake, Graham. Pp. x + 758, with genealogies and maps. £8.99Google Scholar.
2. Routledge Who's Who in Classical Mythology. By Grant, Michael and Hazel, John. Pp. x + 367. Paper £12.99Google Scholar.
3. The Coming of the Greeks. Indo-European Conquests in the Aegean and Near East. By Drews, Robert. Pp. xviii + 257, with 8 figures. £12.95Google Scholar.
4. Homer, the Odyssey. I and II. LCL 104 and 105. With an English Translation by Murray, A. T.. Pp. viii + 481 and 467. £11.50 eachGoogle Scholar.
5. Daidalos. By Morris, Sarah P.. Pp. xxx + 411, with frontispiece, 62 figures, and 2 maps. £24.95Google Scholar.
6. The Power of Thetis. Allusion and Interpretation in the Iliad. By Slatkin, Laura M.. Pp. xvii + 137. £9.95Google Scholar.
7. Reciprocity and Ritual. Homer and Tragedy in the developing City State. By Seaford, Richard. Pp. xix + 455. £17.99Google Scholar.
8. Xenophon, Oeconomicus. A Social and Historical Commentary. By Pomeroy, Sarah B.. Pp. xii + 338, with 3 plates and 1 figure. £16.95Google Scholar.
9. Women in the Classical World. Image and Text. By Fantham, Elaine and others. Pp. xii + 430, with figures and 2 maps. £13.99Google Scholar.
10. In and Out of the Mind. Greek Images of the Tragic Self. By Padel, Ruth. Pp. xx + 210. £10.95Google Scholar.
11. Greek Tragic Theatre. Theatre Production Studies. By Rehm, Rush. Pp. x + 168, with 2 plates. £9.99Google Scholar.
12. Euripides, Heraclidae. Edited by Wilkins, John. Pp. xxxvii + 200. £13.50Google Scholar.
13. The Shape of Athenian Law. By Todd, S. C.. Pp. xiii + 433, with 4 figures. £17.50Google Scholar.
14. The Cavalry of Classical Greece. A Social and Military History. By Spence, I. G.. Pp. xxxvii + 346, with 16 plates, 11 tables, and 2 maps. £15.00Google Scholar.
15. Plato's Psychology. Phoenix Suppl. Vol. VIII. By Robinson, T. M.. Pp. xxxii + 202. Cloth £39.00, paper £15.00Google Scholar.
16. On Ideas. Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Theory of Forms. By Fine, Gail. Pp. xv + 400. £14.99Google Scholar.
17. Practices of Reason. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. By Reeve, C. D. C.. Pp. ix + 299. £12.99Google Scholar.
18. The Discourses of Epictetus. Edited by Gill, Christopher; Translation revised by Hard, Robin. Pp. xxviii + 352. £6.99Google Scholar.
19. The Origins of Rhetoric in Ancient Greece. Ancient Society and History. By Cole, Thomas. Pp. xiv + 191. £13.00Google Scholar.
20. Hippocrates in a World of Pagans and Christians. By Temkin, Owsei. Pp. xvi + 317, with illustrations. £16.50Google Scholar.
21. Apollonius of Rhodes, Jason and the Golden Fleece. Translated by Hunter, Richard. Pp. xxxvi + 175, with 1 figure and 3 maps. £6.99 netGoogle Scholar.
22. Apuleius, The Golden Ass. Translated by Walsh, P. G.. Pp. lv + 277, with 1 map. £5.99 netGoogle Scholar.
23. The Philosophical Books of Cicero. By MacKendrick, Paul. Pp. ix + 429, with 3 maps. £16.99Google Scholar.
24. The Odes of Horace. A Critical Study. By Commager, Steele. Pp. xvi + 365. £13.50Google Scholar.
25. Ovid, Sorrows of an Exile. Translated by Melville, A. D.. Pp. xxxii + 173, with 2 maps. £6.99 netGoogle Scholar.
26. Roman Art in the Private Sphere. New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decor of the Domus, Villa, and Insula. Edited by Gazda, Elaine K.. Pp. 156, with illustrations. $29.95Google Scholar.
27. The Towns of Roman Britain. By Wacher, John. Pp. 480, with 186 illustrations. £45.00 netGoogle Scholar.
28. Religion in Roman Britain. By Henig, Martin. Pp. 263, with 109 plates. Paper £25.00Google Scholar.
29. The Roman Near East 31 BC-AD 331. By Millar, Fergus. Pp. xxix + 587, with 12 maps. £15.95Google Scholar.
30. The Clash of Gods. A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art. By Mathews, Thomas F.. Pp. x + 223, with 138 figures. £16.95Google Scholar.
31. Greece. By Barber, Robin. Pp. 768, with illustrations, plans, colour street maps, and colour atlas. Paper £16.99Google Scholar.