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page 96 note 1 By Clarke, Howard W.. Prentice-Hall Inc., 1967. Pp. 120. 12s. net (paper); 32s. net (cloth).Google Scholar
page 96 note 2 Fragmenta Hesiodea. Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. x + 236, with 5 plates. 50s. net.Google Scholar
page 96 note 3 BPindare: Pythiques III, IX, IV, V. By Duchemin, Jacqueline. Pp. 186. F. 14 + T.L.Google Scholar
page 96 note 4 Lysias: Quatre Discours (Sur le meurtre d'Ératosthène; Epitaphios; Centre Ératosthène; Pour l'Invalide). By Bizos, Marcel. Pp. 145. F. 12 + T.L.Google Scholar
page 96 note 5 César: Bellum Gallicum, IV. By Rambaud, Michel. Pp. 151, with two maps. F. 10 + T.L.Google Scholar
page 96 note 6 Aristophanes: The Congresswomen. University of Michigan, 1967. Pp. 101.Google Scholar
page 97 note 1 By Jocelyn, H. D.. Pp. viii + 473. 140s. net.Google Scholar
page 97 note 2 BThe Comedies of Terence. By Copley, Frank O.. Bobbs-Merrill Co. Inc., New York, 1967. Pp. xxi + 330. $2.25.Google Scholar
page 97 note 3 By Cox, A. S.. Bell, 1967. Pp. vii + 200, with 8 plates and 15 figures. 9s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 97 note 4 Propertius: Elegies Bk. II. Cambridge U.P., 1967. Pp. viii + 236. 35s. net.Google Scholar
page 97 note 5 Latin Poetry in Verse Translation. From the Beginnings to the Renaissance. Edited by Lind, L. R.. Oxford Paperbacks, 1967. Pp. xli + 438. 16s. net.Google Scholar
page 97 note 6 *BCaesar: The Civil War. Penguin Classics, 1967. Pp. 360, with 4 maps and 3 plans. 7s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 97 note 7 Vergil: Epic and Anthropology. Edited by Christie, J. D.. Allen & Unwin, 1967. Pp. 320, with two plates and 15 figures. 55s. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 1 Corneli Taciti de Vita Agricolae. Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. xvi + 344, with 8 plates and 18 figures. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 2 Fifty Letters of Pliny. Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. xxii + 185, with a map. 15s. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 3 Macmillan, 1967. Pp. viii + 104. 7s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 4 *BGreek Lyric Poetry: A Selection. Macmillan, 1967. Pp. xxiii + 461. 36s. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 5 By Greene, W. Chase. Allen & Unwin, 1967. Pp. x + 334, with a chronological synopsis. 52s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 6 By Baumann, Hans. Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. viii + 167, with 33 illustrations. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 98 note 7 BSamnium and the Samnites. Cambridge U.P., 1967. Pp. xi + 447, with 12 plates and 5 maps. 75s. net.Google Scholar
page 99 note 1 Pp. xiii + 387, with a plates and 10 maps. 771. 6d. net.
page 99 note 2 Phaidon, , 1967. Pp. 339, with 110 illustrations. 57s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 99 note 3 By Guthrie, W. K. C.. Methuen, 1967. Pp. v + 168. 21s. net.Google Scholar
page 99 note 4 *BGreek Oracles. By Parke, H. W.. Pp. 160. 10s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 99 note 5 *BGreek Vase-Painting. Methuen, 1967. Pp. 16. 8s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 99 note 6 Methuen, 1967. Pp. xvi + 303, with 115 illustrations. 147s. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 1 Methuen, 1967. Pp. liv + 169, with 64 plates and 30 text figures. 147s. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 2 *BThe Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece. Pp. 600Google Scholar , with 52 colour plates and 320 black-and-white plates. 126s. net.
page 100 note 3 By Taylor, John Russell. Methuen, 1967. Pp. 295. 63s. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 4 *The Handbook of Classical Drama. A Modern Guide. By Hathorn, Richmond Y.. Arthur Barker, London, 1967. Pp. iv + 350, with 4 maps. 55s. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 5 Methuen, 1967. Pp. 491 , with over 400 illustrations, 90s. net.
page 100 note 6 Taylor & Francis, London, 1967. Pp. 47. 8s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 7 Dolmen Press and Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. 71. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 100 note 8 Cambridge U.P., 1967. Pp. vii + 107. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 101 note 1 Crown Publishers Inc., New York, 1967. Pp. xiv + 306. $5.95.
page 101 note 2 Biblioteca di studi superiori, vol. liii. La Nuova Italia, 1967. Pp. xvi + 180. L. 2,500.