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page 198 note 1 Esiodo: Le Opere e I Giorni. Milan, 1967. Pp. 148. L. 2,500.Google Scholar
page 198 note 2 Oxford U.P., 1968. Pp. vii + 268. 21s. net.
page 198 note 3 Published in Rome, 1967. Pp. 546. L. 30,000.
page 198 note 4 **The Lyric Metres of Greek Drama. Cambridge U.P., 1968. Pp. vi + 228. 63s. net.Google Scholar
page 198 note 5 Libellus De Sublimitate Dionysio Longino fere adscriptus. Oxford Classical Texts, 1968. Pp. x + 94. 15s. net.Google Scholar
page 198 note 6 Aristotle's De Anima. 1968. Pp. xviii + 163. 32s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 198 note 7 ‘Ρ ι α ν ὸ ς ό Κ ρ ή ς.’ Εпικός τοũ зου п. χ. αἰῶνος. By Kokolakes, Minos M.. Athens, 1968. Pp. 38. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 199 note 1 By Dario, Sergio. Milan, 1967. Pp. 43. L. 1,900.Google Scholar
page 199 note 2 Library of Early Civilizations. Thames, and Hudson, , 1968. Pp. 144Google Scholar, with 123 illustrations, many in colour. 30s. net.
page 199 note 3 Methuen, 1968. Pp. xii + 372. 18s. net.
page 199 note 4 BMimo e Gnome. Casa Editrice G. D'Anna, Florence, 1967. Pp. 478. L. 3,500.Google Scholar
page 199 note 5 Studia Enniana. Athlone Press, London, 1968. Pp. X + 204. 45s. net.Google Scholar
page 199 note 6 Published by University Tutorial Press, 1968. Pp. viii + 163. 11s. 6d. net.
page 199 note 7 By Kennedy, E. C.. University Tutorial Press, 1967. Pp. viii + 137. 10s.Google Scholar
page 200 note 1 Macmillan, 1968. Pp. xii +119. 12s. 6d. net.
page 200 note 2 A Latin reading book for the Middle School. By Lyne, G. M.. Centaur Books, 1968. Pp. 83Google Scholar, with numerous illustrations. 7s. 6d. net.
page 200 note 3 *BCicero on Old Age and On Friendship. By Edinger, Harry G.. Bobbs-Merrill, New York, 1967. Pp. xvii + 92. $1.25.Google Scholar
page 200 note 4 *BMartial. By Marcellino, Ralph. Bobbs-Merrill, New York, 1968. Pp. xii + 160. $2.25.Google Scholar
page 200 note 5 *BTacitus. By Benario, Herbert W.. Bobbs-Merrill, New York, 1967. Pp. xxix + 116. $1.95.Google Scholar
page 200 note 6 BSuetonio: Grammatici e Retori. By Corte, Francesco della. Loescher-Torino, 1968. Pp. xliii + 113. L. 2,000.Google Scholar
page 200 note 7 BMacrobio: I Saturnali. Turin, 1967. Pp. 947, with 9 plates. L. 12,000.Google Scholar
page 201 note 1 Introduction by Bowen, James. Sydney U.P., 1967. Pp. x + 362, with 4 plates. 56s. net.Google Scholar
page 201 note 2 Nicolaus Marschalk: Oratio, 1503. By Edgar Reinke and Gottfried Krodel, with a Preface by O. P. Kretzmann. Valparaiso U.P., U.S.A., 1967. Pp. xi + 67, with 18 plates. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 201 note 3 Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. xvi + 254. 21s. net.
page 201 note 4 Paris, 1967. Pp. xxviii + 662. Fr. 64.
page 202 note 1 University of Chicago, 1967. Pp. ix + 147. 45s. net.
page 202 note 2 Chatto & Windus, 1968. Pp. ix + 228, with 8 plates and 2 maps. 30s. net.
page 202 note 3 A Cultural & Historical Study of the Ancient Greeks. By Pierre Lévêque. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. Pp. xxii + 595, with 20 maps, 17 tables, 90 illustrations in the text, and 16 plates. 63s. net.
page 202 note 4 *BThe Home of the Heroes. The Aegean before the Greeks. By Sinclair Hood. Pp. 144Google Scholar, with 122 illustrations, including 26 colour-plates. 30s. net.
page 202 note 5 *BGreek Realities. Life and Thought in Ancient Greece. Charles Scribner, New York, 1967. Pp. xiv + 464, with 78 plates and 4 maps. $8.95.Google Scholar
page 203 note 1 BGreek Federal States. Their Institutions and History. By Larsen, J. A. O.. Oxford U.P., 1968. Pp. xxviii + 537. 90s. net.Google Scholar
page 203 note 2 Three Essays on Thucydides. Euripides and Thucydides; The Origins of Thucydides' Style; The Unity of Thucydides' History. Loeb Classical Monographs. Harvard and Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. xv + 194. 32s. net.Google Scholar
page 203 note 3 Les Origines de la République romaine. Pp. v + 389, with 7 illustrations. 78s. net, (Einar Gjerstad: The Origins of the Roman Republic; Brown, Frank E.: New Soundings in the RegiaGoogle Scholar; Riis, P. J.: Art in Etruria and Latium during the First Half of the Fifth Century B.c.Google Scholar; Heurgon, Jacques: Magistratures romaines et magistratures étrusguesGoogle Scholar; Gabba, Emilio: Considerazioni sulla tradizione letteraria sulle origini della RepubblicaGoogle Scholar; Hanell, Krister: Probleme der Romischen FastiGoogle Scholar; Momigliano, Arnaldo: Osservazioni sulla distinzione fra patrizi e plebeiGoogle Scholar; Alföldi, Andreas: Zur Struktur des Römerstaates im V. Jahrhundert v. Chr.Google Scholar; Wieacker, Franz: Die XII Tafeln in ihrem Jahrhundert.)Google Scholar
page 203 note 4 By Michels, Agnes K.. Princeton and Oxford U.P., 1968. Pp. xvi + 227. 71s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 204 note 1 Caesar. Politician and Statesman. Blackwell, 1968. Pp. xvi + 359, with two plates and a map. 72s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 204 note 2 Res Gestae Divi Augusti. By Brunt, P. A. and Moore, J. M.. Oxford U.P., 1968. Pp. xv + 90. 9s. 6d. net.Google Scholar
page 204 note 3 Religion and Philosophy in the Histories of Tacitus. Papers and Monographs of the American Academy in Rome, vol. xxii. Rome, 1968. Pp. xiv + 139. No price stated.Google Scholar
page 204 note 4 By Petit, Paul. Presses Universitaires de France, 1967. Pp. 414, with 9 maps.Frs. 24 (T.L. incl.).Google Scholar
page 204 note 5 *BGladiators. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. Pp. 128, with 32 illustrations. 21s. net.Google Scholar
page 204 note 6 Pp. 16. No price stated.
page 205 note 1 *BThe Roman Empire and its Neighbours. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. Pp. xii + 362, with 39 illustrations and 4 maps. 55s. net.Google Scholar
page 205 note 2 *BThe Decline of Rome. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. Pp. xii + 340, with 90 illustrations. 63s. net.Google Scholar
page 205 note 3 Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. By MacMullen, Ramsay. Harvard and Oxford U.P., 1967. Pp. xii + 370, with 5 illustrations. 50s. net.Google Scholar
page 205 note 4 Cornell and Oxford U.P., 1968. Pp. viii + 145. 19s. net.
page 205 note 5 Published in 1968. Pp. xxxiv + 526, with 187 figures, 60 plates, and 3 maps. 105s. net.
page 206 note 1 The Excavation of Roman and Mediaeval London. Published in 1968. Pp.xxi + 261, with 53 figures and 102 plates. 63s. net.Google Scholar
page 206 note 2 *BThe Parthians. By Colledge, Malcolm A. R.. Thames and Hudson, 1967. Pp. 243, with 76 plates, 46 line-drawings, 2 maps, and a table. 42s. net.Google Scholar
page 206 note 3 *BThe City of Constantinople. Thames and Hudson, 1968. Pp. 198, with 67 plates, 22 line-drawings, and a map. 42s. net.Google Scholar
page 206 note 4 By Alexiou, Stylianos, Nikolaus Platon, and Hanni Guanella, with photographs by Leonard von Matt. Thames and Hudson, 1968. Pp. 238, with 183 plates (30 in colour). 147s. net.Google Scholar
page 206 note 5 *BThe Art of Ancient Greece and Rome from the Rise of Greece to the Fall of Rome. Thames and Hudson, 1968. Pp. 441, with 385 illustrations (32 in colour). 126s. net.Google Scholar
page 207 note 1 *Archaic Greece. By Homann-Wedeking, E.. Pp. 224Google Scholar, with 37 figures and 54 colour plates. 63s. net.
page 207 note 2 *Classical Greece. By Schefold, Karl. Pp. 294Google Scholar, with 77 figures, 44 colour plates, and a map. 63s. net. This and the preceding book are published by Methuen in the Art of the World Series.
page 207 note 3 Batsford, , 1968. Pp. 94Google Scholar, with 120 illustrations (12 in colour). 70s. net.
page 207 note 4 Thames, and Hudson, , 1968. Pp. 114Google Scholar, with 9 coloured photographs and 130 in black and white (the work of Robert Wilkins). 105s. net.
page 207 note 5 By Snodgrass, A. M.. Pp. 151Google Scholar, with 60 illustrations. 45s. net.
page 207 note 6 **Chronology of the Ancient World. Pp. 253Google Scholar, with 8 figures. 57s. 6d. net.
page 208 note 1 BThe Moral and Political Tradition of Rome. Pp. 167. 30s. net.Google Scholar
page 208 note 2 By Lacey, W. K.. Pp. 342Google Scholar, with 49 illustrations. 63s. net.
page 208 note 3 Pp. 349. 42s. net.
page 208 note 4 The Etruscan Cities and Rome. By Scullard, H. H.. Pp. 320Google Scholar, with 27 figures and 120 illustrations. 57s. 6d. net.
page 209 note 1 Translated by Merchant, E. C. and Bowersock, G. W.. Heinemann, 1968. Pp. xlvii + 515. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 209 note 2 Diodorus Siculus. By Walton, F. R. and Geer, R. M.. Heinemann, 1967. Pp. vii + 678. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 209 note 3 Augustine: City of God III. By Wiesen, David. Heinemann, 1968. Pp. xii + 571. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 209 note 4 B(St. John Damascene): Barlaam and Joasaph. Heinemann, 1968. Pp. xxxv + 640. 25s. net.Google Scholar
page 209 note 5 By White, K. D.. Cambridge U.P., 1968. Pp. xvi + 232, with 119 figures and 16 plates. 90s. net.Google Scholar
page 210 note 1 *BThe Sound of Greek. Studies in the Greek Theory and Practice of Euphony. By W. B. Stanford. University of California and Cambridge U.P., 1967. Pp. viii + 176. 70s. 3d. net.
page 210 note 2 Cambridge U.P., 1968. Pp. xiv + 157. 45s. net.
page 210 note 3 Spoken Greek Verse and Prose. Read by F. R. Dale, J. Hazel, D. A. Raeburn, and T. B. L. Webster. Two 10-in. discs, each costing 36s. 5d., with texts and translations. Published by Discourses Ltd., Tunbridge Wells, 1968 for JACT.