Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2013
This article argues that after the Golden Age of capitalism, corporatist methods of policy-making have come to depend on specific modes of party competition. In contrast to previous studies of corporatism, which have argued that corporatism depends on strong social democratic parties, this article suggests that the competition between well-defined left-wing and right-wing ‘blocs’ has become detrimental to corporatism. In countries with mixed governments or traditions of power-sharing, on the other hand, corporatism thrives. These conclusions are based on a comparison of four traditionally corporatist countries – Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland – from the early 1970s to the late 1990s.
2 Peter J. Katzenstein, Small States in World Markets, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1985, pp. 150–6. For recent studies of the link between the electoral system and corporatism – or more generally ‘coordination’– see Martin, Cathie Jo and Swank, Duane, ‘The Political Origins of Coordinated Capitalism’, American Political Science Review, 102: 2 (2008), pp. 181–98,CrossRefGoogle Scholar and Torben Iversen and David Soskice, ‘Distribution and Redistribution’, unpublished manuscript, Harvard University.
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4 One important exception is Lijphart, Arend and Crepaz, Markus M. L., ‘Corporatism and Consensus Democracy in Eighteen Countries’, British Journal of Political Science, 21: 1 (1991), pp. 235–46.CrossRefGoogle Scholar See also Kerstin Hamann and John Kelly, ‘Party Politics and the Reemergence of Social Pacts in Western Europe’, Comparative Political Studies, 40: 8 (2007), pp. 971–94.
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6 This study is likely to tell us something about the conditions for the survival of established corporatist institutions and practices; we do not claim to be able to generalize about the ‘social pacts’ that have recently emerged in countries with no previous history of corporatism; see Sabina Avdagic, Martin Rhodes and Jelle Visser, ‘The Emergence and Evolution of Social Pacts’, European Governance Papers, N–05–01, EUROGOV, 2005.Google Scholar
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21 The interviewees, who represent political parties, government agencies and interest organizations, were selected to allow for both ideological and sectoral variation (blue-collar/white-collar, private/public). The interviews were carried out by four different research teams in the spring of 2004. The Danish results are reported in Ulrich Schmidt-Hansen and Lars Bo Kaspersen, ‘Consensus and Conflict: The Preliminary Results from Studies of the Political Decision-Making Process in Employment, Pension and Integration Politics in Denmark’, unpublished manuscript, University of Copenhagen, 2004. The Dutch results are reported in Corina Hendriks, ‘Who Meets Whom in the Dutch Polder?’, unpublished manuscript, University of Amsterdam, 2004. The Swedish results are reported in Lindvall, Johannes and Sebring, Joakim, ‘Policy Reform and the Decline of Corporatism in Sweden’, West European Politics, 28: 5 (2005), pp. 1057–74.CrossRefGoogle Scholar The Swiss results are reported in Nora Natchkova and Adrian Zimmermann, ‘Switzerland. Report to the Smallcons Project’, unpublished manuscript, University of Lausanne, 2004.
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33 Ken Gladdish, Governing from the Centre. Politics and Policy-Making in the Netherlands, London, Hurst, 1991, p. 146. Gladdish said that the evidence was mixed but suggested that, on balance, there was evidence of general decline of corporatism. See also Paulette Kurzer, Business and Banking, Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 1993, pp. 68–9. On the decline of Dutch corporatism in the 1970s and early 1980s, see Anton Hemerijck, ‘The Netherlands in Historical Perspective: The Rise and Fall of Dutch Policy Concertation’, in Stefan Berger and Hugh Compston (eds), Policy Concertation and Social Partnership in Western Europe, Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2002, pp. 230–2, and, for a more detailed analysis, Anton Hemerijck, ‘The Historical Contingencies of Dutch Corporatism’, DPhil thesis, Oxford University, 1992, ch. 8.Google Scholar
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