Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2009
The purpose of this note is to establish the following
Theorem. The centre of a (left) hereditary local ring is either afield or a one-dimensional regular local ring.
Before starting the proof, it is necessary to explain the terminology. A ring R with an identity element is called a left local ring if the elements of R which do not have left inverses form a left ideal I. In these circumstances (see [1, Proposition 2.1, p. 147]), I is necessarily a two-sided ideal and it consists precisely of all the elements of R which do not have right inverses. Furthermore, every element of R which is not in I possesses a two-sided inverse. Thus there is, in fact, no difference between a left local ring and a right local ring and therefore one speaks simply of a local ring. In addition, I contains every proper left ideal and every proper right ideal. We may therefore describe I simply as the maximal ideal of R.