1. Introduction
A consequence of class field theory appearing in [Reference Ribes9, p. 302, Thm. 8.8(b)(iii)] says that the cohomological dimension of every number field
which is not embeddable in
. On the other hand,
[Reference Ribes9, p. 217, Cor. 3.2 and p. 221, Prop. 4.4] and the group
occurs as a closed subgroup of
in many ways [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 379, Thm. 18.5.6]. One may therefore wonder whether
is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of
A somewhat surprising result of Geyer’s thesis says that this is not the case. Indeed, every closed abelian subgroup of
is procyclic [Reference Geyer4, p. 357, Satz 2.3] (see also [Reference Ribes9, p. 306, Thm. 9.1]).
We generalize this result for every finitely generated extension
of transcendence degree
of a global field. We prove that if a profinite group
is isomorphic to a closed abelian subgroup of
, then
${\mathrm{rank}}(A)\le r+1$
. In particular,
is not a subgroup of
(Proposition 4.3).
In the rest of this note, we abuse our language and write “
is a closed subgroup of
” rather than “
is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of
It turns out that the latter inequality is sharp. Indeed, if
, then
is a closed subgroup of
, while if
$\mathrm{char}(K)=p\gt 0$
, then
is a closed subgroup of
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
$r\ge 0$
(Theorem 5.7), but
is not a closed subgroup of
$r\ge 1$
(Remark 5.8). Here
ranges over the prime numbers. The exclusion of the factor
in the case when
$p\gt 0$
$r\ge 1$
follows from the rule
$\mathrm{cd}_p(\textrm{Gal}(F))\le 1$
for each field
of characteristic
[Reference Ribes9, p. 256, Thm. 3.3].
2. Preliminaries
One of the basic tools needed in the proof of the generalization of Geyer’s result is a special case of the renowned Pontryagin–van Kampen theorem. Here, and in the rest of this note,
stands for a prime number,
is the ring of
-adic numbers, viewed as a profinite abelian group or as a principal ideal domain. We also write
${\hat{\mathbb{Z}}}\;:\!=\;\prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l$
for the Prüfer group [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 12]. Thus,
is the free pro-
cyclic group and
is the free procyclic group.
Proposition 2.1 ([Reference Ribes and Zalesskii10, p. 129, Thm. 4.3.3]). Let
be a torsion-free abelian profinite group. Then
$A\cong \prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l^{r_l}$
, where
is a cardinal number for each
The proof of Proposition 2.1 uses a special case of the Pontryagin–van Kampen duality theorem saying that every locally compact abelian topological group
is canonically isomorphic to its double dual group
, where
. The proof of that special case needed in our proposition, dealing only with abelian profinite groups, appears in [Reference Ribes and Zalesskii10, Section 2.9]. It is much simpler than the proof of the general theorem [Reference Hewitt and Ross5, p. 376, Thm. 24.2].
We denote the algebraic closure of a field
and its separable algebraic closure by
. We write
for the absolute Galois group
. If
is a closed subgroup of
, then
denotes the fixed field of
Lemma 2.2.
be a field and
a nontrivial finite subgroup of
. Then,
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
, and the fixed field
is real closed. In addition,
is the centralizer of itself in
Proof. Let
. Then, a theorem of Artin says that
, and
[Reference Lang7, p. 299, Cor. 9.3]. Let
be the unique element of order
defined by
$\tau (\sqrt{-1})=-\sqrt{-1}$
By [Reference Lang7, p. 452, Prop. 2.4],
is real closed. Let
be the ordering of
induced by the unique ordering of
. If
is a real closed field extension of
whose ordering extends
, then by [Reference Lang7, p. 455, Thm. 2.9], there exists a unique
$R\to R'$
be an element of the centralizer
. Then,
$\sigma R$
is a real closure of
$(K,\lt )$
$\textrm{Gal}(\sigma R)\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
. Also,
$\tau (\sigma R)=\tau \sigma R=\sigma \tau R=\sigma R$
. By the preceding paragraph applied to
$\sigma R$
rather than to
, the restriction of
$\sigma R$
is the identity map. In other words,
$\tau \in \textrm{Gal}(\sigma R)$
. Since
${\mathrm{ord}}(\tau )=2$
, the element
$\textrm{Gal}(\sigma R)$
, so
$R=\sigma R$
. The uniqueness of the
-isomorphism of
implies that
$\sigma \in \textrm{Gal}(R)=A$
, as desired.
Corollary 2.3.
be a field and
a closed abelian subgroup of
. Then,
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
$A\cong \prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l^{r_l}$
, where
ranges over all prime numbers and
is a cardinal number.
Proof. If
has a non-unit element
of a finite order, then by Lemma 2.2,
$\langle \alpha \rangle \cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
$\langle \alpha \rangle$
is its own centralizer in
. Since
is abelian,
is contained in that centralizer. Therefore,
$A=\langle \alpha \rangle$
is torsion-free. Hence, by Proposition 2.1,
has the desired structure.
Given a profinite group
and a prime number
, we write
for the
th cohomology dimension of
[Reference Ribes9, p. 196, Def. 1.1]. Also, we write
$\zeta _n$
for a primitive root of unity of order
Lemma 2.4.
The following statements hold for prime numbers
, and a finite extension
$E$ contains only finitely many roots of unity.
$l^\infty |[E(\zeta _{l^j})_{j\ge 1}\;:\;E]$ .
$\mathrm{cd}_l(\textrm{Gal}(E(\zeta _{l^j})_{j\ge 1}))\le 1$ .
Proof of (a). Let
be the ring of integers of
the residue field of
a prime element of
the group of invertible elements of
, and
$U^{(1)}=1+\pi O$
the subgroup of
-units of
. Reduction modulo
$\pi O$
yields the following short exact sequence

is the trivial group. By [Reference Serre11, p. 213, Chap. XIV, Prop. 10],
is isomorphic to a direct product of a finite abelian group with a free abelian group. Since
is also finite, the torsion group of
is finite. That group is the group of roots of unity in
Proof of (b). By (a),
has only finitely many roots of unity of order
$j\ge 1$
. Thus, there exists a non-negative integer
$\zeta _{l^j}\in E$
$\zeta _{l^{j+1}}\notin E$
. By [Reference Lang7, p. 297, Thm. 9.1],
$[E(\zeta _{l^{j+1}})\;:\;E(\zeta _{l^j})]=l$
. Apply the same argument to the field
$E_1\;:\!=\;E(\zeta _{l^{j+1}})$
to find an integer
$j_2\gt j_1\;:\!=\;j$
such that
$\zeta _{l^{j_2}}\in E_1$
$\zeta _{l^{j_2+1}}\notin E_1$
, so
$E_2\;:\!=\;E(\zeta _{l^{j_1+1}},\zeta _{l^{j_2+1}})$
. Continue to find a sequence
$j_1\lt j_2\lt j_3\lt \dots$
and fields
$E\subset E_1\subset E_2\subset E_3\subset \cdots$
such that
$\zeta _{l^{j_{n+1}}}\in E_n\;:\!=\;E(\zeta _{l^{j_i+1}})_{i=1}^n$
$\zeta _{l^{j_{n+1}+1}}\notin E_n$
, so
, for each
$n\ge 1$
. Hence,
$l^\infty |[E(\zeta _{l^j})_{j\ge 1}\;:\;E]$
Proof of (c). The claim follows from (b) and [Reference Ribes9, p. 291, Cor. 7.4(i),(ii)].
Note that the citation in the proof of (c) relies on local class field theory.
3. Geyer’s theorem
We generalize Geyer’s theorem which asserts that every closed abelian subgroup of
is procyclic [Reference Geyer4, p. 357, Satz 2.3].
Lemma 3.1.
be a field of positive characteristic
. Then, no pro-
closed subgroup of
is isomorphic to
$\mathbb{Z}_p\times \mathbb{Z}_p$
Proof. Let
be a closed pro-
subgroup of
. By [Reference Ribes9, p. 256, Thm. 3.3],
$\mathrm{cd}(G)\le 1$
. On the other hand,
is a free pro-
group of rank
. Hence, by [Reference Ribes9, p. 217, Cor. 3.2],
. It follows from [Reference Ribes9, p. 221, Prop. 4.4] that
$\mathrm{cd}(\mathbb{Z}_p\times \mathbb{Z}_p)=\mathrm{cd}(\mathbb{Z}_p)+\mathrm{cd}(\mathbb{Z}_p)=2$
. Therefore,
$G\not \cong \mathbb{Z}_p\times \mathbb{Z}_p$
, as claimed.
Lemma 3.2.
be a global field,
$l\ne \mathrm{char}(K)$
a prime number, and
a separable algebraic extension of
. Suppose that
contains all of the roots of unity of order
. Then,
$\mathrm{cd}_l(\textrm{Gal}(M))\le 1$
. In particular,
$\textrm{Gal}(M)\not \cong \mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
Proof. We distinguish between two cases:
Case A:
is a number field. We assume without loss that
. By assumption,
$\zeta _{l^2}\in M \newcommand{\hefreshD }{\mathop{\raise 1.5pt\hbox{${\smallsetminus }$}}} \newcommand{\hefreshS }{\mathop{\raise 0.85pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle \smallsetminus $}}} \mathchoice{\hefreshD }{\hefreshD }{\hefreshS }{\hefreshS }\mathbb{R}$
. Thus,
cannot be embedded into
, that is
is totally imaginary. Hence by [Reference Ribes9, p. 302, Thm. 8.8(a)],
$\mathrm{cd}_l(\textrm{Gal}(M))\ne \infty$
Now we consider a prime number
, a valuation
lying over
, and the completion
${\hat M}_v$
. Then,
$\zeta _{l^i}\in M\subseteq{\hat M}_v$
for each
. Hence, by Lemma 2.4(b),
$l^\infty |[{\hat M}_v\;:\;\mathbb{Q}_p]$
. Therefore, by [Reference Ribes9, p. 302, Thm. 8.8(b)],
$\mathrm{cd}_l(\textrm{Gal}(M))\le 1$
Finally, by [Reference Ribes9, p. 217, Cor. 3.2 and p. 221, Prop. 4.4] and [Reference Ribes9, p. 217, Cor. 3.2],

$\textrm{Gal}(M)\not \cong \mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
, as claimed.
Case B:
is a finite separable extension of
transcendental over
. We assume without loss that
. By assumption,
contains the field
$L\;:\!=\;\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _{l^i})_{i\ge 1}$
, so
$L(t)\subseteq M$
. Since there are infinitely many roots of unity
$\zeta _{l^i}$
and only finitely many of them belong to each finite field,
is an infinite field. In addition, for each
$i\ge 1$
the extension
$\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _{l^{i+1}})/\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _{l^i})$
is cyclic of degree
or trivial. Hence,
$\textrm{Gal}(L/\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _l))\cong \mathbb{Z}_l$
. Therefore,
is contained in the maximal extension
$\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _l)$
of an
’th power degree. Since
$\textrm{Gal}(L'/\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _l))\cong \mathbb{Z}_l$
, the restriction map
$\textrm{Gal}(L'/\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _l))\to \textrm{Gal}(L/\mathbb{F}_p(\zeta _l))$
is surjective, and
is generated by one element, that map is an isomorphism [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 331, Cor. 16.10.8]. It follows that
. Therefore,
does not divide the order of
By [Reference Ribes9, p. 208, Cor. 2.3],
. Hence, by [Reference Ribes9, p. 272, Prop. 5.2],
. Since
$\textrm{Gal}(M)\le \textrm{Gal}(L(t))$
, we have by [Reference Ribes9, p. 204, Prop. 2.1(a)], that
$\mathrm{cd}_l(\textrm{Gal}(M))\le 1$
. As in Case A, this inequality implies that
$\textrm{Gal}(M)\not \cong \mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
, as claimed.
Here is the promised result of Geyer.
Theorem 3.3.
be a global field and
a closed abelian subgroup of
. Then,
is procyclic.
Proof. We start the proof with the special case where the torsion group
is nontrivial. In this case, there exists a non-unit
$\tau \in A$
of finite order. By Lemma 2.2,
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
. In particular,
is procyclic.
We may therefore assume that
is a nontrivial torsion-free abelian profinite group. By Proposition 2.1,
$A\cong \prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l^{r_l}$
, where
ranges over all prime numbers and for each
is a cardinal number, so we may assume that
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}_l^r$
for a prime number
and a positive cardinal number
and prove that
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}_l$
contains a closed subgroup which is isomorphic to
$\mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
. Thus, we may assume that
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
and prove that this assumption leads to a contradiction.
To this end, we denote the fixed field of
and identify
. By Lemma 3.1,
$l\ne \mathrm{char}(K)$
contains a root of unity
$\zeta _l$
of order
. Indeed, if
, then
$\zeta _l=-1\in M$
. Otherwise,
$l\gt 2$
and if
$\zeta _l\notin M$
, then
$[M(\zeta _l)\;:\;M]$
is a divisor of
which is greater than
. On the other hand,
$[M(\zeta _l)\;:\;M]$
divides the (profinite) order of
which is
, a contradiction.
$\textrm{Gal}(M)\cong \mathbb{Z}_l\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
, Lemma 3.2 implies that not all roots of unity of order
$i\ge 1$
belong to
. Let
be the smallest positive integer such that
contains a root of unity of order
but does not contain a root of unity of order
. Choose a root of unity
$\zeta _{l^n}$
and set
$M_1=M(\zeta _{l^n})$
. Then,
$\zeta _{l^n}^l\in M$
$\zeta _{l^n}\notin M$
. Hence,
$[M_1\;:\;M]\ne 1$
(by the Claim and [Reference Lang7, p. 289, Thm. 6.2(ii)]), so
be the open subgroup of
of index
. Then, the index of each of the subgroups
$\mathbb{Z}_l\times U$
$U\times \mathbb{Z}_l$
. We choose one of them which is different from
and denote its fixed field in
. Then,
is a cyclic extension of
of degree
$M_1\ne M_2$
$\zeta _l\in M$
, [Reference Lang7, p. 289, Thm. 6.2(i)] implies the existence of
$a,x\in K_{\mathrm{sep}}$
$a\;:\!=\;x^l\in M$
. Choose
$b\in K_{\mathrm{sep}}$
, so
. In particular,
$M_2=M(b^{l^{n-1}})\subseteq M(b)$
$[M(b)\;:\;M_2]\le l^{n-1}$
. It follows from the preceding paragraph that

Next choose
$\sigma \in A$
such that
$\sigma |_{M_1}={\mathrm{id}}$
$\sigma |_{M_2}\ne{\mathrm{id}}$
. In particular,
$\sigma x\ne x$
, so
$\zeta \;:\!=\;(\sigma b)b^{-1}$

is a primitive root of
of order
The definition of
implies that
$M_1=M(\zeta )$
. But
is a Galois extension of
is abelian). Hence,
$\zeta =(\sigma b)b^{-1}\in M(b)$
, so
$M_1\subseteq M(b)$
. Since
, we have by (3.1) that
$[M(b)\;:\;M_1]\le l^{n-1}$
. Since
is the identity on
, the latter inequality implies that
${\mathrm{ord}}(\sigma |_{M(b)})\le l^{n-1}$
On the other hand, the relation
$\sigma b=b\zeta$
implies by induction on
$\sigma ^ib=b\zeta ^i\ne b$
for each
$1\le i\le l^{n-1}$
. Hence,
${\mathrm{ord}}(\sigma |_{M(b)})\gt l^{n-1}$
. This contradicts the conclusion of the preceding paragraph, as required.
4. Generalization of Geyer’s theorem
The central part of the proof of Geyer’s theorem says that for each prime number
, the largest positive integer
for which
is a closed subgroup of
or of
. The next lemma will allow us to generalize that statement to each finitely generated extension of a global field.
Remark 4.1.
be a finitely generated torsion-free abelian pro-
group for a prime number
. [
Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 519, Prop. 22.7.12(a)] allows us to also consider
as a finitely generated
-module. Since
is a principal ideal domain, [
Reference Lang7, p. 147, Thm. 7.3] implies that
is a finitely generated free
-module of rank
for some non-negative integer
. Since
is generated, as a profinite group, by one element,
is also the rank,
, of
as a profinite group. In other words,
Lemma 4.2.
be a field,
an indeterminate, and
a prime number. Suppose that
is the largest positive integer for which
is a closed subgroup of
. Then, the largest positive integer
for which
is a closed subgroup of
does not exceed
Proof. Suppose that
is a closed subgroup of
for some positive integer
. Let
$\varphi\;:\;\textrm{Gal}(K(t))\to \textrm{Gal}(K)$
be the restriction map. Then,
${\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi )=\textrm{Gal}(K_{\mathrm{sep}}(t))$
. Setting
${\bar{A}}=\varphi (A)$
$A_0={\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi )\cap A$
, we get the following commutative diagram of profinite groups:

$\bf 0$
stands for the trivial group of an additive abelian group. Since
is a principal ideal domain and
is a free
-module of rank
is a free
-module, by [Reference Lang7, p. 146, Thm. 7.1]. Also, by [Reference Lang7, p. 148, Lemma 7.4],
is a free
-module and
By [Reference Ribes9, p. 272, Prop. 5.2],
is a projective group, so also
is a projective group. In other words,
${\mathrm{rank}}(A_0)\le 1$
. Also, by Corollary 2.3 and the assumption of the lemma,
$m\le n$
${\bar{A}}\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
. In each case,
${\mathrm{rank}}({\bar{A}})\le n$
, hence
${\mathrm{rank}}(A)={\mathrm{rank}}({\bar{A}})+{\mathrm{rank}}(A_0)\le n+1$
, as claimed.
Proposition 4.3.
be a finitely generated extension with transcendence degree
of a global field
and let
be a closed abelian subgroup of
. Then,
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
$A\cong \prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l^{r_l}$
, where
ranges over all prime numbers and
$r_l\le r+1$
for each prime number
Proof. By Corollary 2.3,
$A\cong \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$
$A\cong \prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l^{r_l}$
, with cardinal numbers
. Assume the latter case. If
is a global field, then
. Hence, by Theorem 3.3,
$r_l\le 0+1$
for each
$r\ge 1$
is a finitely generated extension of transcendence degree
of a finitely generated extension
of transcendence degree
. By induction, for each prime number
is the largest positive integer such that
is a closed subgroup of
. Hence, by Lemma 4.2,
is the largest positive number for which
is a closed subgroup of
. In particular,
$r_l\le r+1$
, as claimed.
5. Realizing
as a closed subgroup of
be a finitely generated extension of
of transcendence degree
. We complete Proposition 4.3 in this section by proving that
is a closed subgroup of
. An analogous result holds for a finitely generated extension
of transcendence degree
, in which case
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
Remark 5.1 (Valued fields). We denote the residue field of a valued field
and its value group by
$v(F^\times )$
. In addition, we extend
to a valuation of
that we also denote by
, consider its valuation ring
, and let
$D_{v,\mathrm{sep}}=\{\sigma \in \textrm{Gal}(F)\mathop{|\;}\sigma O_{v,\mathrm{sep}}=O_{v,\mathrm{sep}}\}$
be the corresponding
decomposition group
. Then, we let
be the fixed field of
. Abusing our notation, we also let
be the restriction of
. Then,
is the
One knows that
has the same residue field and value group as those of
Reference Efrat2, p. 138, Prop. 15.3.7]. Moreover, the valued fields
depend on the extension of
up to isomorphism [
Reference Efrat2, p. 138, Cor. 15.3.6].
is a rank-
valuation, then so is its extension to
. In this case, the completion
$({\hat F}_v,v)$
is also discrete with the same value group and residue field as those of
. Moreover,
$({\hat F}_v,v)$
is also the completion of
. By Hensel’s lemma,
$({\hat F}_v,v)$
is also Henselian [
Reference Efrat2, p. 167, Cor. 18.3.2]. We embed
${\hat F}_{v,\mathrm{sep}}$
and observe that
$F_{\mathrm{sep}}\cap{\hat F}_v=F_v$
$(F_{\mathrm{sep}}\cap{\hat F}_v,v)$
is an immediate separable algebraic extension of
) and
$F_{\mathrm{sep}}{\hat F}_v={\hat F}_{v,\mathrm{sep}}$
(by the Krasner-Ostrowski lemma [
Reference Efrat2, p. 172, Cor. 18.5.3]). Thus, restriction gives an isomorphism
$\textrm{Gal}({\hat F}_v)\cong \textrm{Gal}(F_v)$
of the corresponding absolute Galois groups.
We denote the maximal unramified extension of
${\hat F}_v$
) by
${\hat F}_{v,\mathrm{ur}}$
) and the maximal tamely ramified extension by
${\hat F}_{v,{\mathrm{tr}}}$
). These fields are Galois extensions of
${\hat F}_v$
). As in [
Reference Efrat2, p. 133, p. 141, and p. 145], we set
for the
decomposition group
for the
inertia group
, and
for the
ramification group
. The letters
, and
are borrowed from the German translations Zerlegsungruppe, Trägheitsgruppe, and Verzweigungsgruppe of the English expressions decomposition group, inertia group, and ramification group,

Each of the fields
, and
is a Galois extension of
. By [
Reference Efrat2, p. 199, Thm. 22.1.1] and [
Reference Kuhlmann, Pank and Roquette6, Thm. 2.2] (resp. [
Reference Efrat2, p. 203, Thm. 22.2.1]) both restriction maps

split. In particular, each closed subgroup of
; hence, each closed subgroup of
is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of
. Also, each closed subgroup of
is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of
Note that
in Theorem 22.1.1 of [Reference Efrat2] is
, in our notation, so it satisfies the condition
for all prime numbers
$l\ne \mathrm{char}({\bar{F}}_v)$
needed in that theorem.
Notation 5.2.
We denote the group of roots of unity in a field
$\mu (F)$
. If
$\mathrm{char}(F)=p\gt 0$
is separably closed, then
$\mu (F)={\tilde{\mathbb{F}}}_p^\times$
. If
is algebraically closed, then
$\mu (F)=\mu ({\tilde{\mathbb{Q}}})$
$\mathbb{Q}_{\mathrm{ab}}\;:\!=\;\mathbb{Q}(\mu ({\tilde{\mathbb{Q}}}))$
is the maximal abelian extension of
(by the theorem of Kronecker–Weber [
Reference Neukirch8, p. 324, Thm. 110]).
Remark 5.3.
Given a field
, the
field of formal power series
in the variable
with coefficients in
, also called the
field of Laurent series over
, is the field of all formal power series
$\sum _{i=m}^\infty a_it^i$
$m\in \mathbb{Z}$
$a_i\in K$
for all
$i\ge m$
. If
$l\lt m$
, then
$\sum _{i=m}^\infty a_it^i$
is identified with
$\sum _{i=l}^\infty a_it^i$
for each
$l\le i\lt m$
. Summation and multiplication in
are defined by the following rules:

be the unique discrete valuation of
for each
$a\in K$
. Then,
is the completion of
, where
$v(\sum _{i=m}^\infty a_it^i)=m$
$a_m\ne 0$
. By [
Reference Efrat2, p. 167, Cor. 18.3.2],
is Henselian with respect to
By [ Reference Cassels and Fröhlich1, p. 28, Cor. 2] (or [ Reference Efrat2, p. 141, Thm. 16.1.1]),

, we have that
. Since the roots of unity of order
$\mathrm{char}(K)\nmid n$
are in
, we have that
has a cyclic extension of degree
. Indeed, that extension is
Going to the limit of these extensions, we obtain with
$K_{\mathrm{sep}}((t))_{\mathrm{tr}} =\bigcup _{p\nmid n}K_{\mathrm{sep}}((t^{1/n}))$
$\textrm{Gal}(K_{\mathrm{sep}}((t))_{\mathrm{tr}}/K_{\mathrm{sep}}((t))) \cong \prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
Moreover, if
, then the ramification group
is trivial [
Reference Efrat2, p. 145, Thm. 16.2.3], so
. Thus, by the preceding paragraph, in this case,
Lemma 5.4.
be a field of characteristic
an indeterminate, and
a positive integer. Suppose that
$\mu (K_{0,\mathrm{sep}})\subseteq K_0$
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^r$
is a closed subgroup of
. Then,
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
Proof. By assumption, the field
has a separable algebraic extension
$\textrm{Gal}(K)\cong \prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^r$
. Let
be the discrete
-valuation of
and choose a Henselization
with respect to
. Then,

is the residue field of both
with respect to
is linearly disjoint from
. Indeed, let
be linearly independent elements of
. Assume toward contradiction that there exist
$m_1,\ldots,m_n\in M$
not all zero with
$\sum _{i=1}^nm_i{\tilde{K}}_i=0$
. Dividing
by the element with the least
-value, we may assume that the
${\bar m}_1,\ldots,{\bar m}_n$
are elements of
and one of them is non-zero. Thus,
$\Sigma _{i=1}^n{\bar m}_i{\tilde{K}}_i=0$
, contradicting the assumption on
. This proves our claim.
By [Reference Efrat2, p. 200, Cor. 22.1.2],

are respectively the corresponding decomposition and the ramification groups of

See [Reference Efrat2, last line of page 144] with
$\bar \mu$
in that line being
$\mu (K_{0,\mathrm{sep}})$
, as introduced in the first paragraph of [Reference Efrat2, p. 143, Sec. 16.2].
The action of
$\chi (v)$
is given for each
$\tau \in \textrm{Gal}(K)$
, each homomorphism
$h\;:\; v(M_{\mathrm{sep}}^\times )/v(M^\times ) \to \mu (K_{0,\mathrm{sep}})$
, and every
$\gamma \in v(M_{\mathrm{sep}}^\times )$
, by

where the latter equality holds because
$\mu (K_{0,\mathrm{sep}})\subseteq K_0\subseteq K$
. In other words, that action is trivial. It follows that

By [Reference Efrat2, p. 147, Cor. 16.2.7], there is a short exact sequence

$\chi (v)\cong T(v)/V(v)$
By our choice of
, the completion of
with respect to
(which is also the completion of the Henselian field
) is the field
of formal power series in
with coefficients in
[Reference Efrat2, p. 83, Example 9.2.2]. The maximal unramified extension of
and by Remark 5.3,
$\chi (v)\cong T(v)/V(v) \cong \textrm{Gal}(M_{\mathrm{tr}}/M_{\mathrm{ur}})\cong \prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
By the definition of
$\textrm{Gal}(K)\cong \prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^r$
. Hence, by the preceding paragraph,

Since by [Reference Kuhlmann, Pank and Roquette6, Thm. 2.2], the epimorphism
$\textrm{Gal}(M)\to \textrm{Gal}(M_{\mathrm{tr}}/M)$
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
. Since
is a separable algebraic extension of
[Reference Efrat2, p. 137, Thm. 15.3.5],
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is also a closed subgroup of
, as claimed.
Remark 5.5.
Note that the references that support both (5.3) and (5.4) hold also in the case where
The following result will be needed in Theorem 5.7.
Lemma 5.6.
be a set of prime numbers and
an open subgroup of
$\prod _{l\in L}\mathbb{Z}_l$
. Then,
$H\cong \prod _{l\in L}\mathbb{Z}_l$
Proof. We set
$Z\;:\!=\;\prod _{l\in L}\mathbb{Z}_l$
and consider all the groups appearing in this proof as additive groups. Since
is open in
, its index
is a positive integer. Since
is abelian,
is normal in
, so
$nZ\le H$
By [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 13, Lemma 1.4.2(e)],
$n\mathbb{Z}_l\cong \mathbb{Z}_l$
for each
$l\in L$
. Hence,
$nZ=\prod _{l\in L}n\mathbb{Z}_l \cong \prod _{l\in L}\mathbb{Z}_l=Z$
$n=\prod _{l\in L'}l^{i(l)}$
be the decomposition of
into a product of prime powers. If
are distinct prime numbers, then
is a unit of the ring
, so
. Hence,
$nZ=\prod _{l\in L\cap L'}l^{i(l)}\mathbb{Z}_l \times \prod _{l\in L \newcommand{\hefreshD }{\mathop{\raise 1.5pt\hbox{${\smallsetminus }$}}} \newcommand{\hefreshS }{\mathop{\raise 0.85pt\hbox{$\scriptstyle \smallsetminus $}}} \mathchoice{\hefreshD }{\hefreshD }{\hefreshS }{\hefreshS } L'}\mathbb{Z}_l$
. Therefore,
$(Z\;:\;nZ) =\prod _{l\in L\cap L'}(\mathbb{Z}_l\;:\;l^{i(l)}\mathbb{Z}_l) =\prod _{l\in L\cap L'}l^{i(l)} \le n =(Z\;:\;H)$
. Combining this result with the result of the first paragraph of the proof, we have
. Therefore, by the second paragraph of the proof,
$H\cong Z$
, as claimed.
This brings us to the main result of the current section.
Theorem 5.7.
be a finitely generated extension of transcendence degree
$r\ge 0$
of a global field
of characteristic
and let
$F'=F(\mu (F_{0,\mathrm{sep}}))$
. Then,
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
, hence also of
Proof. In the case where
itself is a global field, hence Hilbertian [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 242, Thm. 13.4.2]. Since
is an abelian extension of
, a theorem of Kuyk asserts that
is also Hilbertian [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 333, Thm. 16.11.3]. Since
is countable, so is
. By [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 379, Thm. 18.5.6], for almost all
$\sigma \in \textrm{Gal}(F')$
(in the sense of the Haar measure of
) the closed subgroup
$\langle \sigma \rangle$
generated by
is isomorphic to
. Since
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
is a closed subgroup of
$\prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l$
$\prod _l\mathbb{Z}_l\cong{\hat{\mathbb{Z}}}$
[Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 15, Lemma 1.4.5],
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
is a closed subgroup of
Alternatively, by a theorem of Whaples, for each
$l\ne p$
the field
has a Galois extension
$\textrm{Gal}(F'_l/F')\cong \mathbb{Z}_l$
[Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 314, Cor. 16.6.7]. Then,
$F''\;:\!=\;\prod _{l\ne p}F'_l$
is a Galois extension of
$ \textrm{Gal}(F''/F')\cong \prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
. Since
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
is projective [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 507, Cor. 22.4.6], the restriction map
$\textrm{Gal}(F')\to \textrm{Gal}(F''/F')$
splits [Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 506, Remark 22.4.2]. Hence, again,
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l$
is a closed subgroup of
Next assume by induction that
$r\ge 1$
and the theorem holds for
. Choose a finitely generated extension
of transcendence degree
and let
$F'_{r-1}=F_{r-1}(\mu (F_{0,\mathrm{sep}}))$
. Since
is finitely generated over
of transcendence degree
, we may choose
which is transcendental over
$[F\;:\;F_{r-1}(t)]\lt \infty$
. Then,
is a finite extension of
. Let
be the maximal separable extension of
, so
is a purely inseparable extension of
. Then,
is a finite separable extension of


By the induction hypothesis,
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^r$
is a closed subgroup of
. Therefore, by (5.6), Lemma 5.4, and Lemma 5.6,
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
. Since
is a purely inseparable extension (in particular
$\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
is a closed subgroup of
, hence also of
, as claimed.
Remark 5.8.
be a field as in Theorem
. If
, then
${\hat{\mathbb{Z}}}^{r+1}=\prod _{l\ne p}\mathbb{Z}_l^{r+1}$
. Hence, by that theorem,
is isomorphic to a closed subgroup of
$p\ne 0$
, then
is a countable Hilbertian field and again, by [
Reference Fried and Jarden3, p. 379, Thm. 18.5.6], for almost all
$\sigma \in \textrm{Gal}(F)$
we have
$\langle \sigma \rangle \cong{\hat{\mathbb{Z}}}$
However, by [
Reference Ribes9, p. 256, Thm. 3.3],
$\mathrm{cd}_p(\textrm{Gal}(F))\le 1$
. On the other hand, by [
Reference Ribes9, p. 221, Prop. 4.4],
$\mathrm{cd}_p(\mathbb{Z}_p^{r+1})=r+1\ge 2$
$r\ge 1$
. Hence,
is isomorphic to no closed subgroup of
. Therefore,
is isomorphic to no closed subgroup of
The author thanks Ido Efrat for many comments on earlier versions of this note. The author also thanks Aharon Razon for a careful reading of the manuscript.