Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
The Austrian asylum policy is shifting from a showcase of support to asylum seekers to one of the most restrictive in Europe. Recent amendments to the asylum law are due to the massive influx of asylum seekers in 2015/2016 as a result of which Austria has accepted the second largest number of asylum seekers per capita in Europe. The Austrian government first responded by setting an upper limit of asylum applications from 2016 and then by creating the possibility of suspending its obligations under international and European asylum law. Both measures are legally doubtful and based on the assumption that if the upper limit is met this may threaten the maintenance of public order and the protection of internal security, which is not possible to prove. The contribution provides a legal analysis of the recent legal developments in Austrian asylum law, which are reviewed from the perspective of international and European asylum law as well as human rights. It concludes that the Austrian measures are part of a race to the bottom of European countries with the purpose of keeping refugees away. They cannot be justified from a legal perspective and create a threat to the respect for the rule of law.
1 See Volker Türk, A World in Turmoil, in European Yearkbook on Human Rights 27–30 (Wolfgang Benedek, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Kettemann, Matthias C., Reinhard Klaushofer & Manfred Nowak eds., 2016); Manfred Nowak & Antonia Elisabeth Walter, The Crises of the European Refugee Policy, in European Yearkbook on Human Rights 31–55 (Wolfgang Benedek, Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Kettemann, Matthias C., Reinhard Klaushofer & Manfred Nowak eds., 2016).Google Scholar
2 Bundesministerium für Inneres, 50 Jahre Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention In Österreich (2005).Google Scholar
3 According to the Federal Ministry of Interior, between September 5, 2015, and June 6, 2016, 803,600 aliens entered Austria of which 56,600 applied for international protection. See the proposed Regulation of the Federal Government on the Finding of the Endangerment of the Maintance of Public Order and the Protection of Internal Security [Verordnung der Bundesregierung zur Feststellung der Gefährdung der Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung und des Schutzes der inneren Sicherheit], [hereinafter Regulation on the Finding of Endangerment], Justification according to Para. 36 (2) of the Austrian Asylum Law.Google Scholar
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5 Zwischenbilanz Des Expertenrates Zum 50 Punkte-Plan, in Integrationsbericht 2016 (2016), [hereinafter Austrian integration Report].Google Scholar
6 Id.; see also Bundesministerium für Inneres, Scholar
7 See Noch 7,144 Asylanträge bis zur Obergrenze, Die Presse (November 11, 2016, at 11), Scholar
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9 In Austria alone, 7,200 asylum seekers should be sent back to Hungary, while for several EU-countries the number of Dublin III-cases for which Hungary should be responsible in August 2016 was given as 19,542. See Die Presse (August 23, 2016, at 5),Google Scholar
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11 Wolfgang Benedek, Gegen eine polarisierende Obergrenze, Kleine Zeitung 42 (Jan. 27, 2016), Scholar
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14 Id. at 85; Verfassungsgerichtshof [VfGH] [Constitutional Court of Austria] Mar. 14, 2012, Case No. U 466/11 (2012). Scholar
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31 Law on Asylum 2005, BGBl. I, No. 100/2005 as amended.Google Scholar
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33 UNHCR Press Release, Alarmierende Änderungen im Österreichischen Flüchtlingsschutz Geplant (Apr. 21, 2016), Scholar
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44 See Ruhe an der Grenze hat ihren Preis, KLEINE ZEITUNG 19 (Aug. 27, 2016), Scholar
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51 See Kocina, Erich, Juncker maßregelt Platter und “Landesobermuftis,” Die Presse 3 (Aug. 28, 2016), Scholar
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