Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
Preliminary Remark: The observations below are to be understood more as a draft than as theses. They refer to and continue a series of earlier considerations, most recently in two papers: Social Science Models in Economic Law, in Contract and Organisation, 52-67 (T. Daintith/G. Teubner eds., 1986) and Materialization and Proceduralization in Modern Law, in Dilemmas of Law in the Welfare State 221-248 (G. Teubner ed. 1986); both papers are also to be found (in German) in the following documentation: G. Brüggemeier, Workshop zu Konzepten des postinterventionistischen Rechts, Materialien des Zentrums für Europäische Rechtspolitik, 2-24, 25-64 (Ch. Joerges eds., Heft 4, 1984).