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Liability Within Corporate Groups (Bremer Vulkan) - Federal Court of Justice Attempts the Overhaul
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
On 17 September 2001, the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) handed down a landmark decision regarding liability within corporate groups (“Konzernhaftung”) which is likely to give an entirely new direction to the law in this field. Most notably, the Court held that, in spite of the fact that the case concerned a by now classical example of a corporate “daughter” incurring serious financial losses due to management decisions taken by its corporate “mother”, resulting in the erosion of the daughter's financial basis, the Court exclaimed the statutory as well as judge made law regarding corporate liability within corporate groups as not applicable in this case. Thus casting somewhat aside a great and complex bulk of company law in form of a rather ambiguous and quite eruptively evolving law of corporate liability within corporate groups, the Court held that tort law and criminal law would be applicable to the case in point. Paradoxically, it is the Court's apparent shifting away from corporate group liability that might allow for a clearer view on the applicable company law in an area that has, for a long time, been dominated by heated debates about the Court's ambitious interpretation of the relevant norms, their reach and concrete application.
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- Copyright © 2002 by German Law Journal GbR
For more Information: Decision of the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof – BGH) of 17 September 2001 – Reg. No. II ZR 178/99; published in: NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2001, 3 December 2001, p. 3622. Also published in: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR INSOLVENZPRAXIS (ZIP) 2001, p. 1874; BETRIEBS BERATER (BB) 2001, p. 2233; ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR WERTPAPIERMITTEILUNGEN (WM) 2001, 2062.Google Scholar
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Häcki, Remo/Lighton, Julian, The Future of the Networked Company, in: THE MCKINSEY QUARTERLY 3/2001. (1) For a far reaching and critical reconstruction of the case law, see, e.g., B. FRIEDRICH, KONVERGENZEN IM GESELLSCHAFTSRECHT 136-205 (2000); for a meticulous critique of the place of corporate liability law within contemporary private law doctrine, see also M. AMSTUTZ, KONZERNORGANISATIONSRECHT (1993).Google Scholar
(2) See, e.g., Schmidt, K., in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2001, p. 3577, 3578–9.Google Scholar
(3) Bundesgerichtshof, Decision of 17 September 2001, in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 2001, p. 3622, 3623.Google Scholar
(4) See the decisions of the Bundesgerichtshof in ENTSCHEIDUNGEN DES BUNDESGERICHTSHOFES IN ZIVILSACHEN (BGHZ): 65 BGHZ 14 (“ITT”), 95 BGHZ 330 (“Autokran”), 107 BGHZ 7 (“Tiefbau”), 115 BGHZ 187 (“Video”) and, finally, 122 BGHZ 123 (“TBB”). See the thorough discussion in FRIEDRICH, supra note 1, at 167-205.Google Scholar
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(6) See, Schmidt, supra note 2 at 3578.Google Scholar
(7) Id.Google Scholar
(8) See Sections 291-338 AktG German Stock Corporation Act).Google Scholar
(9) See 115 BGHZ 187; legal academics have referred to the Court's holding as an “earthquake”; see Knobbe-Keuk, Zum Erdbeben Video, in: DER BETRIEB 1992, p. 1461–1465, 1461.Google Scholar
(10) 122 BGHZ 123.Google Scholar
(11) See 115 BGHZ 187, 194.Google Scholar
(12) See Friedrich, supra note 1, at 188.Google Scholar
(13) BGH, Decision of 17 September 2001, NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2001, p. 3622.Google Scholar
(14) 122 BGHZ 123; see Schmidt, supra note 2, at 3577: “Balsam on the wounds of Limited Liability practice”.Google Scholar
(15) See Schmidt, supra note 2, at 3578.Google Scholar
(16) See Luttermann, Unternehmensfinanzierung, Geschäftsleiterpflicht und Haftkapital bei Kapitalgesellschaften, 2433, 2434-5, who points to the inevitable conflicts between the standards laid down by the law (e.g., in Section 91 para. 1 sent. 1 AktG and in Section 43 para. 3 GmbHG) and the actual constraints and options of managerial action.Google Scholar
(17) Id., at 2436.Google Scholar
(18) See Teubner, Die ‘Politik des Gesetzes’ im Recht der Konzernhaftung, 261, 262.Google Scholar
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(20) See, for a brillant overview, Cioffi, John W., State of the Art, in: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW 2000, 501; see also “Reforming Corporate Governance in Germany: Inside a Law Making Process of a Very New Nature”, Interview with the Head of the German Government Commission, Professor Theodor Baums, in: 2 GERMAN L. J. No. 12 (16 July 2001), available at (http://www.germ Google Scholar