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Free Movement v. Social Rights in an Enlarged Union - the Laval and Viking Cases before the ECJ
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
The two reference cases considered here concern the compatibility with EU law of industrial disputes and collective actions against EU companies exercising their free movement rights. The Swedish case, under a reference of the Arbetsdomstolen (Swedish Labour Court) of 15 September 2005 in litigation between Laval un Partneri Ltd (hereafter ‘Laval’) v. Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet, Avdelning 1 of the Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet, Svenska Elektrikerförbundet (in the material that follows, ‘Bygnadds’) and others concerns the question of whether an industrial action of Swedish labour unions against a Latvian company that wanted to perform a work contract under Swedish procurement rules through the use of posted Latvian workers falls under the ‘freedom to provide service’ rules of Article 49 EC and, if this is the case, whether this action can be justified either under the posted workers directive, 96/71/EEC, or under a specific Swedish law exempting labour unions from liability in taking action against foreign-based companies (the so-called Lex Britannia; see sections E.I and H.II below).
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1 Case C-341/05, Laval un Partneri Ltd v. Svenska Byggnadsarbetareförbundet,; the order for reference was published in Official Journal of the European Union C series- 281 / 10 of 12 November 2005; the author could make use of a provisional English translation of 18 October 2005. The order is based on a prior judgment 49/05 case A 268 / 04 of 29 April 2005. For earlier discussions of the litigation see Norbert Reich, Diskriminierungsverbote im Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht, Zivlrechtswissenschaftler, Jahrbuch Junger, (2005) at 9.; Chaterine Barnard, EC Employment Law, vol. 3 (2006) at 283; Örjan Edström, The Free Movement of Services in Conflict with the Swedish Industrial Relations Model — or was it the Other Way Around?, Wahl, Nils and Cramér, Per, Swedish Studies in European Law 2006, 1 (2006). 129; Woolfson, Charles and Summer, Jeff. W., Labour Mobility in Construction: European Implications of the Laval Dispute with Swedish Labour. – 12 European Journal of Industrial Relation 49 (68) (2006); Hatzopoulos, Vassilis/Do, Thien Uyen, The case law of the ECJ concerning the free provision of services, 43 Common Market Law Review 978 (2006).Google Scholar
2 EC Directive 96/71 of 16 December 1996 E.P. and the Council of concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services; Official Journal of the European Union, L series 18 (1997) at 1.Google Scholar
3 Case C-438 / 05, The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) & The Finnish Seamen's Union (FSU) v Viking Line ABP & Oü Viking Line Eesti., Official Journal of the European Union, C series, 60, 16, March 11. The High Court established jurisdiction because the headquarters of ITF were London and therefore jurisdiction was conferred to the English Court under article 2 Reg. 44 / 2001, without being able to raise the “forum non convenience” objections. See ECJ case C-281/02, Andrew Owusu v. N. B. Jackson et al., 2005 ECR I-1383. The High Court granted an injunction against ITF and FSU which was squashed by the Court of Appeal in its judgment to refer the case to the ECJ, EWCA (England and Wales Court of Appeal), 1299 (2005), per Waller LJ. See Barnard, Catherine, supra, note 1 at 272. The litigation is explained by Brian Bercusson, The Trade Union Movement and the EU: Judgment Day, 13 European Law Journal 279 (2007).Google Scholar
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31 C-309/99, J. C. J. Wouters et al/Algemene Raad von de Nederlandse Ordre van Advocaaten), 2002 E.C.R., I-1577 paras. 120; for a discussion see Norbert Reich, supra, note 24., at 18–19.Google Scholar
32 See, supra, note 1, Vassilis Hatzopoulos and Thien Uyen Do at 978.Google Scholar
33 For detailed description see the reference order of the Arbetsdomstolen of 18 October 2005 of the provisional English translation, supra note 1.Google Scholar
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38 Case C-164/99, Portugaia Construcoes, 2002 E.C.R., I-787, confirmed by case C-445/00 Commission v. Luxembourg, 2004 E.C.R., I-10191, paras. 38–39.Google Scholar
39 Christine Langenfeld, in: E. Grabitz and M Hilf, Art. 137, para. 52 in: Das Recht der EU – Kommentar: „Vermeidung von sog. ‚Sozialdumping‘ – avoidance of social dumping“ Garrit Davies, Posted Workers: Single Market or Protection of National Labour Law Systems? 34 Common Market Law Review, 572-575 (1997), referring to the ambiguities of the directive; broader, Wolfgang Däubler, Die Entsenderichtlinie und ihre Umsetzung ins deutsche Recht, Europäische Zeitschrift fuer Wirtschaftsrecht 20, 615 (1997): „zwingende Gründe lägen in der Vermeidung der Arbeitslosigkeit, in der Erhaltung der Tarifautonomie in den betroffenen Branchen sowie in deren Schutz gegen Wettbewerbsverfälschung.“Google Scholar
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