Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
On 26 July 2012, the European Central Bank (ECB) issued a new currency, the “Draghi.” A country where the Draghi has the status of legal tender must be fabulously wealthy—a single coin gives unlimited purchasing power to its owner. This is one way to characterize ECB President Mario Draghi's pledge to do “whatever it takes” to save the Euro. It is widely believed that the move prevented the common currency from breaking apart. Yet, the ECB's resolve caused severe conflict within the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). A few weeks later, when the Governing Council of the ECB formally adopted the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) program to pave the way for the implementation of Draghi's rescue policy, the representative of the German Bundesbank was outvoted. Subsequently—in a maneuver quite unusual among central bankers—he appealed to the public to stir up support for his opposition to the policy.
1 Mario Draghi, President, European Cent. Bank, Global Inv. Conference in London (July 26, 2012), available at; see Black, Jeff & Randow, Jana, Draghi Says ECB Will Do What's Needed To Preserve Euro, Bloomberg-Online (July 26, 2012),–07–26/draghi-says-ecb-to-do-whatever-needed-as-yields-threaten-europe.html.Google Scholar
2 Kennedy, Simon & Black, Jeff, Draghi's ‘Whatever It Takes’ Still Works As Euro Revives, Bloomberg-Online (Jan. 9, 2014),–01–10/draghi-s-whatever-it-takes-still-works-as-euro-revives.html.Google Scholar
3 Press Release, European Cent. Bank, Technical Features of Outright Monetary Transactions (Sept. 6, 2012), available at; Unlimited Bond Purchases: ECB Head Draghi Backs Up Pledge To Save Euro, Spiegel-Online (Sept. 6, 2012), Scholar
4 Braunberger, Gerald & Ruhkamp, Stefan, Bundesbank kritisiert Beschluss offen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Sept. 6, 2012).Google Scholar
5 Bundesverfassungsgericht [BVerfG – Federal Constitutional Court], Case No. 2 BvR 2728/13 (Jan. 14, 2014), [hereinafter OMT Case]. Google Scholar
6 Bundesverfassungsgericht [BVerfG – Federal Constitutional Court], Case No. 2 BvR 2661/06, 126 Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts [BVerfGE] 286, 303 (July 6, 2010) [hereinafter Honeywell].Google Scholar
7 For the development of ultra vires review, see 58 BVerfGE 1, 30 (Eurocontrol I); 75 BVerfGE 223, 235, 242 (Kloppenburg); 89 BVerfGE 155, 188 (Maastricht); 123 BVerfGE 267, 354 (Lissabon). On BSR, see inter alia 75 BVerfGE 223, 235, 242 (Kloppenburg); 89 BVerfGE 155, 188 (Maastricht); 113 BVerfGE 273, 296 (Europäischer Haftbefehl); 123 BVerfGE 267, 353–54 (Lissabon); Honeywell at 306; BVerfG, Case No. 1 BvR 1215/07 (Apr. 24, 2013),, at para. 91 (Antiterrordatei).Google Scholar
8 See, e.g., Oeter, Stefan, Rechtsprechungskonkurrenz zwischen nationalen Verfassungsgerichten, EuGH und EGMR, in 66 Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung Deutscher Staatsrechtslehrer, 361, 362–91 (Stefan Kadelbach et al. eds., 2007); on the historical context, see Schönberger, Christoph, Anmerkungen zu Karlsruhe, in Das entgrenzte Gericht, 9, 62–63 (Matthias Jestaedt et al. eds., 2011).Google Scholar
9 For an insider's perspective, see Andreas Voßkuhle, The Cooperation Between European Courts: The Verbund of European Courts and its Legal Toolbox, in The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe, 81 (Allan Rosas, Egils Levits, & Yves Bot eds., 2013).Google Scholar
10 On the increasingly fragile legitimacy of the Constitutional Court, see Möllers, Christoph, Legalität, Legitimität und Legitimation des Bundesverfassungsgericht, in Das entgrenzte Gericht, 281 (Matthias Jestaedt et al. eds., 2011).Google Scholar
11 Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland [Grundgesetz] [Basic Law], May 23, 1949, BGBl. I, art. 93(1) cl. 1; Gesetz über das Bundesverfassungsgericht [Law on the Federal Constitutional Court], Bundesgesetz Blatt I [BGBl. 1] [Federal Law Gazette] §§ 13(1) cl. 5, 63–67, available at Scholar
12 Basic Law art. 93 (1) cl. 4a; Law on the Federal Constitutional Court §§ 13 (1) cl. 8a, 90–95.Google Scholar
13 The Constitutional Court leverages the right to vote in federal elections, laid down in Article 38 of the Basic Law. This conception has attracted forceful scholarly critique. See, e.g., Christoph Schönberger, Die Europäische Union zwischen “Demokratiedefizit” und Bundesstaatsverbot, 48 Der Staat, 535, 539–42 (2009). The Order in the OMT Case has lowered the hurdle even further. For convincing arguments against the admissibility of the actions, see the OMT Case (Lübbe-Wolf, J., dissenting), (Gerhard, J., dissenting).Google Scholar
14 89 BVerfGE 155, 188 (Maastricht).Google Scholar
15 123 BVerfGE 267, 353–54 (Lissabon).Google Scholar
16 Honeywell at 303–04.Google Scholar
17 Id. Google Scholar
18 For a summary of the condition of UVR, see Sauer, Heiko, Europas Richter Hand in Hand? Das Kooperationsverhältnis zwischen BVerfG und EuGH nach Honeywell, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 94, 95–96 (2009).Google Scholar
19 Honeywell at 303–04.Google Scholar
20 123 BVerfGE 267, 353 (Lissabon).Google Scholar
21 Id. at 392–96.Google Scholar
22 Franz C. Mayer, Multilevel Constitutional Jurisdiction, in Principles of European Constitutional Law, 399, 412 (Armin von Bogdandy & Jürgen Bast eds., 2nd ed. 2010) (“doubling of the relevant standards”); Daniel Thym, Europäische Integration im Schatten souveräner Staatlichkeit, 48 Der Staat, 559, 573 (2009).Google Scholar
23 See Algera v. Common Assembly of the European Coal & Steel Community, CJEU Cases 7/56, 3/57–7/57, 1957 E.C.R. English special ed. 39, 61.Google Scholar
24 Foto-Frost v. Hauptzollamt Lübeck, CJEU Case 314/85, 1987 E.C.R 4199, paras. 14 et seq.Google Scholar
25 Les Verts v. Parliament, CJEU Case 294/83, 1986 E.C.R. 1339, para. 23.Google Scholar
26 See Armin von Bogdandy & Jürgen Bast, The Federal Order of Competences, in Principles of European Constitutional Law, 275, 280 (Armin von Bogdandy & Jürgen Bast eds., 2nd ed. 2010).Google Scholar
27 Mayer, Franz C., Die drei Dimensionen der Europäischen Kompetenzdebatte, 61 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, 577, 602 (2001); Danwitz, Thomas von, Vertikale Kompetenzkontrolle in förderalen Systemen, 131 Archiv des öffentlichen Rechts, 510 (2006).Google Scholar
28 Consorzio Cooperative d'Abruzzo v Comm'n, CJEU Case 15/85, 1987 E.C.R. 1005, para 10; confirmed in Comm'n v. BASF, CJEU Case C-137/92 P, 1994 E.C.R. I-2555, paras. 48–50. For a more recent case concerning a directive, see Comm'n v. Greece, CJEU Case C-475/01, 2004 E.C.R. I-8923, paras. 18–20. For a scholarly account, see Claudia Annacker, Der Fehlerhafte Rechtsakt im Gemeinschafts- und Unionsrecht, 81 et. seq. (1998).Google Scholar
29 Consorzio Cooperative d'Abruzzo, CJEU Case 15/85 at para. 10.Google Scholar
30 Comm'n, CJEU Case C-137/92 P at para. 48; Comm'n, CJEU Case C-475/01 at para. 19.Google Scholar
31 Comm'n, CJEU Case C-137/92 P at para. 49; Comm'n, CJEU Case C-475/01 at para. 20.Google Scholar
32 For a rare example, see dm-drogerie markt v. OHIM, CJEU Case T-36/09, 2011 E.C.R. II-6079, para. 92.Google Scholar
33 Cf. Matthias Vogt, Die Entscheidung als Handlungsform des Europäischen Gemeinschaftsrechts 214 (2005).Google Scholar
34 OMT Case at paras. 34–35, 101.Google Scholar
35 Cf., e.g., Queen v. Sec'y of State, CJEU Case C-491/01, 2002 E.C.R. 2002 I-11453, para. 37.Google Scholar
36 Opinion 1/91, 1991 E.C.R. I-06079, paras. 61–64, 71 (European Economic Area I).Google Scholar
37 OMT Case at para. 103.Google Scholar
38 Opinion 1/09, European and Community Patents Court, 2011 E.C.R. I-1137, paras. 83–84.Google Scholar
39 Cf. OMT Case at para. 11.Google Scholar
40 For explanations, see Bast, Jürgen, Legal Instruments and Judicial Protection, in Principles of European Constitutional Law, 345, 378–79 (Armin von Bogdandy & Jürgen Bast eds., 2nd ed, 2010).Google Scholar
41 Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank, art. 18.1, 2012 O.J. (C 326) 230.Google Scholar
42 OMT Case at para. 39.Google Scholar
43 OMT Case at paras. 63–78.Google Scholar
44 It is only necessary that these measures do not conflict with the primary objective to maintain price stability. See Consolidated Version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union art. 127(1), May 9, 2008, 2008 O.J. (C 115) 47 [hereinafter TFEU].Google Scholar
45 OMT Case at para. 39.Google Scholar
46 TFEU art. 114(1).Google Scholar
47 Cf. Germany v. Parliament, CJEU Case C-376/98, 2000 E.C.R. I-08419, at para. 88.Google Scholar
48 See Nettesheim, Martin, Kompetenzen, in Europäisches Verfasssungsrecht, 389, 434–39 (Armin von Bogdandy & Jürgen Bast eds., 2nd ed. 2009).Google Scholar
49 Pringle v. Ireland, CJEU Case C-370/12 (Nov. 27 2012), Scholar
50 TFEU art. 2(1).Google Scholar
51 von Bogdandy & Bast, supra note 26, at 286 (no bipolar order of competences). It is more than a minor terminological error when the Constitutional Court fails to recognize that the EU Treaties do not confer any “powers” on the ESCB but only assigns to it certain “tasks,” while “powers” are actually conferred on the ECB, i.e., a Union institution (cf. OMT Case at paras. 57–59).Google Scholar
52 OMT Case at paras. 13–15, 71.Google Scholar
53 OMT Case at para. 7.Google Scholar
54 OMT Case at paras. 95–98.Google Scholar
55 See, in particular, OMT Case at paras. 71, 98, on the existence and meaning of unjustified interest rate hikes.Google Scholar
56 OMT Case at para. 98.Google Scholar
57 OMT Case at para. 72.Google Scholar
58 See TFEU art. 140(3).Google Scholar
59 See TFEU art. 127(1).Google Scholar
60 OMT Case at paras. 74–78.Google Scholar
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62 Honeywell at 301–03.Google Scholar
63 OMT Case at paras. 39, 43.Google Scholar
64 Honeywell at 307.Google Scholar
65 See OMT Case (Gerhard, J., dissenting) at paras. 16–17.Google Scholar
66 OMT Case at para. 100.Google Scholar
67 See Pernice, Ingolf, Karlsruhe wagt den Schritt nach Luxemburg, Verfassungsblog (Feb. 10, 2014), Scholar
68 OMT Case at paras. 40, 43.Google Scholar
69 Honeywell at 304.Google Scholar
70 For a critical account, see Mayer, supra note 22, at 412–13.Google Scholar
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73 Famously called “Kompetenz-Kompetenz.“ See OMT Case at para. 48.Google Scholar