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Does Age Prevent Punishment? The Struggles of the German Juridical System with Alleged Nazi Criminals: Commentary on the Criminal Proceedings Against John Demjanjuk and Heinrich Boere
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
Modern western societies are aging—according to statistical analyses, in 2060, every seventh German citizen will be over 80 years old. The challenges of an aging society occupy jurisprudence and the legal practice. Issues specific to aging offenders and aging victims are more relevant than ever and must be analyzed. The question of old age is one of many problematic aspects of two criminal cases recently decided by the German Federal Constitutional Court. In the following, age's relevance to criminal prosecution and material criminal law will be discussed and related to an analysis of the proceedings of John Demjanjuk and Heinrich Boere, two alleged Nazi criminals, tried in their old age. Demjanjuk's case especially has raised questions well beyond the relevance of his age (89 years). The cases open up many interesting facets of German criminal procedural law and material law connected to the crimes of the Nazi era.
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1 Pressemitteilung des Statistischen Bundesamts Nr. 435, 18 November 2009, available at: Scholar
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3 Norbert Arnold, Vorwort, in: Wie lange dürfen wir arbeiten? Zukunftsforum Politik 7 (Lenz (eds.) 2006); Herwig Birg, Die demographische Zeitenwende (2001); Meinhard Miegel, Die deformierte Gesellschaft (2002); Peter Schinmany, Die Alterung der Gesellschaft: Ursachen und Folgen des demographischen Umbruchs (2003); Frank Schirrmacher, Das Methusalem-Komplott (2004).Google Scholar
4 The subject of age is discussed in Germany primarily in the context of age discrimination: Karl-Jürgen Bieback, Altersdiskriminierung – Grundsätzliche Strukturen und sozialrechtliche Probleme, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 75 (2006); Oliver Hahn, Auswirkungen der europäischen Regelungen zur Altersdiskriminierung im deutschen Arbeitsrecht (2006); Helen Meenan, Age Equality after the Employment Directive, 10 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 9 (2003); Polloczek, Altersdiskriminierung im Licht des Europarechts (2008). However, this discussion does not matter for the issue discussed here, because, in the following, age is mainly a proxy-criteria for suspecting certain characteristics of elderly and the need to secure the individual rights of elderly people. This could, in some cases, mean that an unequal treatment of younger people will be considered.Google Scholar
5 Bundesverfassungsgericht, 15 October 2009, Case No. 2 BvR 2331/09; BVerfG, 15 October 2009, Case No. 2 BvR 2332/09; BVerfG, 6 October 2009, Case No. 2 BvR 1724/09; Bundesgerichtschof (BGH – Federal Court of Justice), 27 April 2006, Case No. 4 StR 572/05, 59 NJW 2129.Google Scholar
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8 Mutmaβlicher KZ-Wächter Demjanjuk kommt nach München, Der Spiegel, Apr. 2, 2009, at,1518,616999,00.html Google Scholar
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11 Stefan Huster, Rechte und Ziele. Zur Dogmatik des allgemeinen Gleichheitssatzes (1993); Stefan Möckel, Der Gleichheitsgrundsatz. Vorschlag für eine dogmatische Weiterentwicklung, Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt 2003, 488 ff.Google Scholar
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20 Including people with diagnosed dementia of a higher state; Karl Lackner & Kristian Kühl, StGB, 26. Aufl. (2007), § 20 Rn. 4.Google Scholar
21 Karl Lackner & Kristian Kühl, StGB, 26. Aufl. (2007), § 20, Rn. 16.Google Scholar
22 BVerfG, Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (NJW) 2349 (1979). BVerfG, NStZ-RR (38) 1996; BGH, NStZ (242) 1996; Oberlandesgericht (OLG – High Regional Court) Stuttgart, NStZ-RR 313 (2006).Google Scholar
23 BVerfG NJW 2349 (1979); KG NStZ 142 (1990); Norbert Gatzweiler, Haftunfähigkeit, Strafverteidiger 283 (1996).Google Scholar
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25 See StGB at § 21.Google Scholar
26 See StGB at § 17.Google Scholar
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32 As far as the complaint does concern actions of the US institutions the German courts do not have any jurisdiction, the Constitutional Court furthermore declared. Finally, Germany's approval of Demjanjuk's entrance did not, according to the court, have any direct legal effects on the complainant, as it were neither a direct nor indirect restraint of his liberty.Google Scholar
33 Demjanjuk-Prozess wird ausgesetzt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Feb. 12, 2009, at Scholar
34 Demjanjuks Anwalt beantragt Einstellung des Verfahrens, Der Spiegel, Jan. 12, 2009, at,1518,664445,00.html; Scholar
35 Im Zweifel für den Vater, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Nov. 30, 2009, at Scholar
36 Demjanjuk muss im November vor Gericht, Der Westen, Oct. 2, 2009, at Scholar
37 See StPO at § 117.Google Scholar
38 See StPO at § 304 et seq.Google Scholar
39 See StPO at § 114Google Scholar
40 OLG Köln NJW 1686 (1996); Matthias Krauß, § 112 (27) in: Beck'scher Online-Kommentar StPO (Jürgen Graf, ed., 2009).Google Scholar
41 Dominik Lasok, The Eichmann Trial, 11 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 355 (1962); Thomas Mertens, The Eichmann Trial: Hannah Arendt's View on the Jerusalem Court's Competence, 6 German Law Journal 407 (2005); Matthew Lippmann, Trial of Adolf Eichmann and the Protection of Universal Human Rights under International Law, 5 Houston Journal of International Law 1 (1982–1983); each with further references.Google Scholar
42 Id. Google Scholar
43 Gutachten zu Verhandlungsfähigkeit wird erstellt, Rheinisches Post, May 12, 2009, at; Von H. Prantl, Wahrheit verjährt nicht, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Apr. 15, 2009, at Google Scholar
44 The difference to other cases is that Demjanjuk was not elderly at the time the offence is said to have taken place; therefore questions about his liability are irrelevant. Still, questions about fitness to stand trial and be imprisoned as well as the quantity of the sentence are connected to his old age.Google Scholar
45 BverfG, September 20, 2001, 2 BVR 1349/01, NJW 51 (2002).Google Scholar
46 BGH, April 27, 2006, 4 StR 572/05.Google Scholar
47 Andrea Kuhlmann & Gerhard Naegele, Gewalt gegen ältere Menschen – (k)ein Thema? Empirische Befunde und gegenwärtiger Forschungsstand in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 57 Sozialer Fortschritt 182 (2008); Hein-Jürgen Schramke, Alte Menschen im Strafvollzug (1996) 185; Thomas Wolf, Rechtliche Gesichtspunkte zur Rückfallprognose und Vollstreckung bei älteren Straftätern, 3 Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie 1862 (2009).Google Scholar
48 The sentence for murder always is, generally, lifelong imprisonment. Demjanjuk is only accused to have assisted – this allows to lower the sentence, StGB §§ 27, 49, Abs. 1, Nr. 1.Google Scholar
49 Hans Jürgen Papier & Johannes Möller, Die rechtsstaatliche Bewältigung von Regime-Unrecht nach 1945 und nach 1989, NJW 3289 (1999).Google Scholar
50 Rudolf Wassermann, Überblick Verbrechen unter totalitärer Herrschaft - Zur Rolle des Rechts bei der Aufarbeitung der DDR-Vergangenheit, NJW 895 (1993).Google Scholar
51 OLG Frankfurt a. M., HESt 1, 67, 71; critically: Gerhard Werle, Der Holocaust als Gegenstand der bundesdeutschen Strafjustiz, NJW 2529, 2533 (1992); arguing against him: Klaus Füßer, Geheime Führerbefehle als Rechtsquelle? Minima Juris und das Erfordernis minimaler Rechtskultur, Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik 1993, 180 ff.; see also Hans-Jürgen Papier & Johannes Möller, Die rechtsstaatliche Bewältigung von Regime-Unrecht nach 1945 und nach 1989, NJW 3289 (1999).Google Scholar
52 Thomas Fischer, § 24 (3 et seq.) in: Karlsruher Kommentar zur StPO (Gerd Pfeiffer, ed., 6th ed. 2008)Google Scholar
53 GG Art. 3.Google Scholar
54 Demjanjuks Verteidiger wirft Richter Willkür vor, Der Spiegel, Nov. 20, 2009, at,1518,664238,00.html.Google Scholar
55 Günter Dürig & Rupert Scholz, Art. 3, § 179 et seq., in: Kommentar zum Grundgesetz (Theodor Maunz & Günter Dürig, eds. 2009).Google Scholar
56 Demjanjuks Verteidiger wirft Richter Willkür vor, Der Spiegel, Nov. 20, 2009, at,1518,664238,00.html.Google Scholar
57 Mordprozess gegen John Demjanjuk beginnt, Stern, Nov. 30, 2009, at Scholar
58 Völkerstrafgesetzbuch (VStGB – International Law Criminal Code) § 3.Google Scholar
59 Thomas Weigend, VStGB § 3 (18 et seq.) in: 6/2 Münchner Kommentar zum StGB (Wolfgang Joecks & Klaus Miebach, eds., 2009).Google Scholar
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61 Walter Perron, § 34 (23) in Kommentar zum StGB (Adolf Schönke & Horst Schröder, eds., 27th ed. 2006).Google Scholar
62 As to the more restricted interpretation of duress in English law see Christoph Safferling, Vorsatz und Schuld (2008) 468 ff.Google Scholar
63 STGB § 35, Par. 1, S. 2.Google Scholar
64 BGH 3 StR 353/54; Walter Perron, § 35 (10 et seq.) in: Kommentar zum StGB (Adolf Schönke & Horst Schröder, eds., 27th ed. 2006). It has to be discussed, though, how actual and concrete the danger was, if Demjanjuk has acted with the intention to avoid the danger, etc. See BGHSt 18, 311 (NJW 1963, 1258; BGH 5 StR 308/69 about the necessity to explore all other possible actions carefully.Google Scholar
65 See StGB at § 3 et seq. Google Scholar
66 Albin Eser § 7 (4 et seq.) in: Kommentar zum StGB (Adolf Schönke & Horst Schröder, eds., 27th ed. 2006).Google Scholar
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68 BGH, December 09, 2008, 2 ARs 536/08Google Scholar
69 BVerfGE 75, 1; BGH NStZ 149 et seq. (1998).Google Scholar
70 After being capitally convicted at first instance he was finally, after seven years in prison, acquitted by the highest Israeli court, because serious doubts have arisen about him being the so-called “Ivan the Terrible”.Google Scholar
71 Henning Radtke & Andrea Hagemeier, Art. 103 (48), Beck'scher Online-Kommentar GG (Volker Epping, Christian Hillgruber, eds., 2009).Google Scholar
72 Wirbel um Demjanjuks SS-Ausweis, Stern, July 8, 2009, at Scholar
73 See StPO at § 261.Google Scholar
74 Armin Schoreit § 261 (45) in: Karlsruher Kommentar zur StPO (Gerd Pfeiffer, ed., 6th ed. 2008); Christian Pelz, Die revisionsgerichtliche Überprüfung der tatrichterlichen Beweiswürdigung; NStZ 361 (1993).Google Scholar
75 GG Art. 20.Google Scholar
76 Bernd Heintschel-Heinegg, § 1 (24 et seq.) in: Beck'scher Online Kommentar StGB (Bernd von Heintschel-Heinegg, ed., 2009).Google Scholar
77 Albin Eser & Peter Cramer & Günter Heine Vorbem. zu §§25 (17 et seq.), in: Kommentar zum StGB (Adolf Schönke & Horst Schröder, eds., 27th ed. 2006).Google Scholar
78 BVerfG, October 6, 2009, 2 BvR 1724/09, at the moments the proceedings take place in front of the LG Aachen.Google Scholar
79 Which has declared him unfit to stand trial, see Von Volker Schmidt, Ehemaliger SS-Mann vor Gericht Später Prozess, Frankfurther Rundschau, Mar. 9, 2009, at Scholar
80 BVerfG, October 6, 2009, 2 BvR 1724/09.Google Scholar
81 Udo Di Fabio Art. 2 (63) in: Kommentar zum Grundgesetz (Theodor Maunz & Günter Dürig, eds. 2009).Google Scholar
82 BVerfG, February 24, 1995, 2 BvR 345/95; see NJW 1951, 1952 (1995).Google Scholar
83 BVerfG, October 6, 2009, 2 BvR 1724/09.Google Scholar
84 BGHSt NStZ 99 (2003) (see Duttge, NStZ 2003, 375); Sass, Der Sachverständige – weiterhin ein prozessuales Problemfeld, Der Sachverständige 256 (2007).Google Scholar
85 On 3 March, 2009, the prosecutor in his final pleadings requested a lifelong prison sentence; Plädoyer gegen Boere, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Mar. 3, 2010, at Scholar
86 Früherer SS-Mann gesteht Mord an drei Zivilisten, Hannoveriche Allgemeine, Dec. 8, 2009, at Scholar
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