In addition to the Brachiopoda noticed in this paper, I am possessed of various minute specimens, which differ from any described species. Some of these may be the young of Brachiopoda that occur in the beds in which they are found; but until their passages into adult shells can be satisfactorily recognized, it will be undesirable to figure or describe them. Three examples of well marked and persistent forms are provisionally named and given below.
Spirifera minima. Moore. Pl. ii., figs. 19, 20.
Shell microscopic, often one sided or unsymmetrical, slightly rugose; valves moderately convex; deltidium triangular; area broad and flattened; hinge-line broad; front of shell rounded, In some specimens the shell presents a uniformly flattened surface, whilst in the majority the outer surface of the smaller valve possesses mesial folds, and in the larger valve a central sinus.
Obs.—This shell is not uncommon in the Inferior Oolite of Dundry. Although no internal characters have yet been noticed, there seems little doubt the shell must be referred to the genus Spirifera. It is perfectly distinct from a little shell found with it, described by me in the Somersetshire Proceedings for 1854. We have thus evidence of the presence of two species of this genus in oolitic strata, although in both instances they have become very degenerate in size. No larger specimens of the genus have yet been found in the same beds to which these diminutive shells can be referred.
Terebratula (?) minuta. Moore. Pl. ii., figs. 21, 22.