Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
In the pages of the Geol. Mag., about a year ago, I called attention to the rapid growth of our knowledge of the sequence and fossils of the Lower Palæozoic Rocks of Sweden, through the brilliant discoveries of the officers of the Swedish Geological Survey; and pointed out what appeared to myself to be their special bearing upon certain controverted points in British Geology. During the past year the additional results obtained by the same group of earnest and unprejudiced observers are so important in themselves, and have been worked out with such care and elaboration, that we have now a tolerably complete view of the entire Lower Palaeozoic Succession in the Scandinavian Peninsula, and are, for the first time, in a position to attempt the detailed correlation of its recognized rock groups with their representatives in Britain.
page 260 note 1 Lapworh, , On Linnarsson's Recent Discoveries in Swedish Geology,—GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, 1880, pp. 29, 68, et. seqq.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 260 note 2 Murchison, , Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. i. p. 467, 1845.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 260 note 3 Siluria, fourth edition, p. 348, et seq., 1867.
page 261 note 1 Hicks, , Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1877, p. 238, etc.Google Scholar
page 261 note 2 Hicks, , Quart. Mag. 1880, p. 529.Google Scholar
page 262 note 1 Linnarsson, , Geol. Mag. 1876, p. 241, etc.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
page 262 note 2 Kjerulf, Die Geologie des Mittleren Xorwegen (Bohn), 1880, p. 56, etc.
page 262 note 3 Kjerulf, Google Scholar, Ibid. p. 145.
page 263 note 1 Lundgren, text to Angelin's Geologisk Öfversigts-Karta öfrer Skane, pp. 12–18.
page 263 note 2 Sjögren, Bidrag till Ölands Geologi. Ofvers. K. V. Förh. 1871, p. 675.
page 263 note 3 Linnarsson, Vestergötlands Cambriska och Siluriska Bildningar Kongl. Svenska. Vet.— Akad. Handlingar, 1869, pp. 29, 55.
page 263 note 4 Angelin, Palseontologica Scandinavica, pp. ill, iv.
page 264 note 1 Linnarsson, Bidtrag till Vestergotlands geologi, O.K. Vet. Ak. 1868.
page 264 note 2 Nathorst, Lagerfolgen Cambriska formations vid Andrarum, O.K V. Ak. Förh. 1869; Kambriska och Siluriska lagren vid Kiviks Esperöd, etc., ibid. 1876.
page 264 note 3 Compare Linnarsson, Vestergötlands Cambriska och Siluriska aflagringar K. Vet. Ak. Handl. 1869; Några försteningar fråen Sveriges “Primoirdialzon,” O.K.V.A. Förh. 1872; Öfversigt Nerikes Öfvergåangsbildningar, ibid. 1875; Brachiopoda of Paradoxides-beds of Sweden, ibid.. 1876; Fauna i Kalken med Conocoryphe exsulans, Publications Swedish Geol. Survey, 1879; Fösteningarne in svenska lagren med Peltura och Spharophthalmus, Geol. Förens. Förh. 1880, etc., etc.
page 264 note 4 Torrel, Petriflcata sueeana formationis cambricæ, Lund, 1869–70.
page 264 note 5 Sjögren, Anteckningar om Öland, Öfvers K.V.Ak. Forh. 1851; Bidrag Ölands Geologi, ibid.. 1871; Några försteningar Ölands Kambriska lager, Geol. För. Förh. 1872, etc.
page 264 note 6 Publications Swedish Geological Survey, 1880.
page 265 note 1 Linnarsson, Fauna af Exsulans-Kalk., Publications Geol. Survey Sweden, Series 3, No. 35, 1879.
page 265 note 2 Comp. Lapworth, Geological Magazine, 1880.
page 265 note 3 Linnarsson, , GEOL. MAG. 1876, p. 42.Google Scholar
page 265 note 4 Lundgren, Ueber Angelin's geol. Uebersichts-Karte von Schonen, Neuen Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, etc. 1878.
page 266 note 1 Tullberg, Agnostus-Arterna vid Andrarum, pp. 8, 9, etc.