The Geological Department of the British Museum is much indebted to Dr. Cowper Reed for his careful description of the Girvan fossils which he assigns to Cornulites (Geol. Mag., Vol. LX, 1923, pp. 268–76). A slight correction, unfortunately, is necessary. Various specimens received from Mrs. Robert Gray as “Tentaculites” were registered in the Department under the numbers correctly quoted by Dr. Reed. He himself, in returning the specimens to us, pointed out, also correctly, that some of them were of quite different nature. He omitted, however, in some instances, to remove those numbers from the lists that he quoted. To prevent further confusion, the numbers to be cancelled are given below. At the same time, opportunity is taken to quote the number of the specimen that is hereby selected as the holotype of each new species. The numbers then remaining will denote the paratypes.