Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Thick subaerial volcanic sequences of probable mid Triassic age rest unconformably on Permo-Carboniferous limestones in the ‘Phyllite Series’ within the Gavrovo-Tripolitsa zone of the external Hellenide nappes. The volcanic rocks are varied in character. Pyroclastic rocks (often reddened) predominate, but minor basalt or andesite and rhyolitic hypabyssal intrusions and flows are also found. The rocks have experienced low-grade metamorphism and the only relict primary minerals are pyroxene and rare plagioclase in basic rocks and potash feldspar in acid rocks. The most important metamorphic phases are albite, chlorite, potassium mica, epidote, hematite, quartz and pumpellyite. Twenty-seven whole-rock major-element analyses suggest that there has been some exchange of Na2O and K2O for CaO during metamorphism, but that other elements have been relatively stable. A genetic interpretation of the rocks is attempted using published geochemical discriminator diagrams. The basic rocks are tholeiitic in major element chemistry and pyroxene composition. Trace element (Hf, Ta, Th, Ce, Yb) distribution suggests magma generation at a destructive plate margin.