Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
Summary.—(1) The reptiles Gordonia, Geikia, and Elginia are shown to be slightly later than those of the Upper Permian Pariasaurus beds of Russia, or those of the equivalent Cisticephalus zone of South Africa. They therefore represent the extreme top of the Permian. (2) The remaining Elgin reptiles are Middle Triassic (? = Lettenkohle of Germany). (3) The Elgin footprints are widely distinct from Triassic forms and from those of the Lower Permian, while agreeing exactly with the group associated with the Magnesian Limestone of England. They therefore represent the extreme top of the Permian. (4) The discovery is recorded of one of the typical footprints in close proximity with the Permian reptile quarry. (5) The Permian rocks occupy the west of the ‘Triassic’ area, the true Trias the east. (6) It is suggested that the area was a landsurface during Permian and Triassic times.