Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
The Permian corals of Timor are of particular value on account of their excellent state of preservation which permits of close study of the skeletal structures. The works of Gerth, Koker, and Schindewolf have added much to our knowledge in this respect. In the course of my investigation on the rugose corals as a whole, I have studied a part of the Timor material in the British Museum (Natural History), upon which this present article is based, and I am grateful to the Keeper of the Department of Geology, and to Dr. H. D. Thomas for the loan of specimens, and for the privilege of cutting them in the Museum. Dr. O. M. B. Bulman and Dr. Thomas both kindly read the manuscript. To Professor W. B. R. King and Mr. A. G. Brighton I am indebted for facilities for study in the Sedgwick Museum.