Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
For many years English palæontologists were content with the limited number of Portlandian Gasteropoda described by Sowerby—principally from internal casts—in Fitton's celebrated paper on the “Strata below the Chalk.” Other authors have described a stray species here and there: still the list was scanty, and not only scanty but indefinite; and many ingenious guesses have been hazarded as to the true affinities of such species as Buccinurn angulatum, and Buccinum naticoides.
page 385 note 1 It is scarcely worth while to include Littorina paucisulcata, Phillips, in this list.
page 385 note 2 Portland Rocks of England, Q.J.G.S. (1880) p. 225.
page 394 note 1 Subjoined is a complete list, according to Struckmann, of the fossils of the Upper Portlandian of Hanover. Pecten concentricus, Dunk, and Koch, Perna Bonchardi, Oppel, Modiola lithodomus, Dunk, and Koch, Trigonia variegata, Credner, Cardium Dufreynoicum, Buvig., Cyprina Brongniarti, Rœm., Cyrtna rugosa, Lor. (Sow.), Cyrena nuculœformis, Rœm., Cyclas Brongniarti, Dunk., Corbula Mosensis, Buvig., Corbula alata, Sow.