We now come to the second o rder of the Trilobita, which Beecher (loc. cit.) calls the Opisthoparia. In common with the third order, the Proparia, compound paired eyes are usually present, and these are invariably situated on the free cheeks, which form part of the dorsal surface of the head-shield.
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page 494 note 2 C. Homfrayi (Salter) is stated to possess eyes, but from a careful examination of the type-specimen, which is much compressed and distorted, I have much doubt if they truly exist. In C. Lyelli (Hicks) the free cheeks are marginal, and the eyes which have been described appear to me to be merely the swollen ends of the ocular ridges on the fixed cheeks, and their visual function is doubtful. In cephalic structure this species agrees so closely with the Conocoryphe, sstr., of Corda, that after carefully examining the type-specimen, I am inclined to consider it a true member of the genus Conocoryphe and to be devoid of compound eyes.
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