Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 May 2009
In view of the wide distribution of Gangamopteris in the Gondwana deposits of the Southern Hemisphere it is surprising that the genus has not been previously recorded with certainty from Western Australia. The only doubtful record has been published by Glauert in 1923 who found “? Gangamopteris sp.” in carbonaceous shale underlying the lowest coal seam of the Coal Measure series of the Irwin River. The occurrence of Gangamopteris in the Irwin River Coal Measures has since been confirmed by finds made in 1939 during a joint excursion with Professor E. de C. Clarke and students of the University of Western Australia. The age of the Irwin River Coal Measures corresponds most likely to that of the Greta Coal Measures of New South Wales in which Gangamopteris is well represented. Some notes on the Irwin River flora were published some time ago (Teichert 1939) and the writer hopes to present additional information at a later date.