The discussion by Professor Gregory in the February GeologicalMagazine of certain ridges of glacial deposits in various widely separated areas seems to call for some comment. I am not familiar with all the examples classified by Professor Gregory any more than he is, but a couple of examples visited by him, and that I have examined many times, may serve as tests of his trustworthiness as a field observer in Glacial Geology and his competence as a commentator upon the observations of others.
page 98 note 1 B.A. Report, 1873, Trans., p. 91.Google Scholar
page 98 note 2 “The Glaciation of the Bradford and Keighley District”: Proc. Yorks; Geol. and Polyt. Soc.., vol. xv, 1904, pp. 193–247.Google Scholar
page 100 note 1 Q.J.G.S., xxviii, p. 387.Google Scholar
page 101 note 1 Proc. Y. G. and P. Soc., vol. xiii, p. 18 et seq.Google Scholar