All Kronecker coefficients are reduced Kronecker coefficients
In this video, Greta Panova (Mathematics Department, University of Southern California, USA) who co-authored the paper ‘All Kronecker coefficients are reduced Kronecker coefficients’ with Christian Ikenmeyer (University of Warwick, UK), presents the research behind the paper. This peer reviewed academic research paper is published by Cambridge University Press, in the journal Forum of Mathematics, Pi / Volume 12 / 2024, and can be read on this page.
Abstract: We settle the question of where exactly do the reduced Kronecker coefficients lie on the spectrum between the Littlewood-Richardson and Kronecker coefficients by showing that every Kronecker coefficient of the symmetric group is equal to a reduced Kronecker coefficient by an explicit construction. This implies the equivalence of an open problem by Stanley from 2000 and an open problem by Kirillov from 2004 about combinatorial interpretations of these two families of coefficients. Moreover, as a corollary, we deduce that deciding the positivity of reduced Kronecker coefficients is NP-hard, and computing them is #P-hard under parsimonious many-one reductions. Our proof also provides an explicit isomorphism of the corresponding highest weight vector spaces