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Tax: A Look at Some of Labor's Changes
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
The period of the Hawke Labor Governments has been one of considerable economic change. That change reflects two basic and interrelated factors. First, capital accumulation itself is a continually revolutionising process. Competition forces capitalists to search for new and cheaper ways of producing their products in order to gain an advantage over their rivals. Secondly, the international economic system has been in crisis since the mid-1970s. That crisis can be seen in Australia in the tendency of the rate of profit to decline over the last twenty years or so. The strategy underpinning the Hawke Government's actions, and this is as true of the taxation field as any other area, has been to adopt measures that will facilitate capital accumulation and improve profit rates for Australian based capitalists. This article will examine how some of the tax law changes that have been made have been affected by this strategy, in particular the internationalisation of the Australian economy. In the first place however, these changes have to be seen as part of the more general process of change itself.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright © 1990 The Australian National University
1 Rick, Kuhn, “The Accord and Business: The Distinctiveness of the Hawke Government's Approach to Capital Accumulation” in Brian, Galligan and Gwynneth, Singleton (eds), Business and Government under Labor (Forthcoming 1991) 77ffGoogle Scholar.
2 The forces of production are the instruments used to produce goods and the people with the skills necessary to use those instruments. In crude terms the forces of production denote the level of productivity of society.
3 The relations of production are the actual relationships people enter into with other people and machines in the production process.
4 Tony, Cliff, State Capitalism in Russia (1974)Google Scholar.
5 Chris, Hannan, “The Storm Breaks” (1990) 46 International Socialism Journal 4, 37Google Scholar.
6 Ibid 45.
7 Ibid 46.
8 For an explanation of this process see for example Karl, Marx, Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1904) 11-13Google Scholar. See also Chris, Hannan, “Base and Superstructure” (1986) 32 International Socialism Journal 3Google Scholar.
9 R, Kuhn, supra n 1, 81Google Scholar.
10 Rick, Kuhn and Tom, O'Lincoln, “Profitability and Economic Crisis” (1989) 25 Journal of Australian Political Economy 44Google Scholar.
11 Ibid 50.
12 Ibid 53.
13 Draft White Paper,Reform of the Australian Tax System, (1985) 2.
14 James, O'Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State (1973) 204-205CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
15 R, Kuhn supra n 1, 97Google Scholar.
16 Ibid 83.
17 Id.
18 McKinsey and Co, Report to the Australian Taxation Office S (Canbem, 1990).
19 By “productive investment” I mean investment in real wealth producing sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, rather than in speculative endeavours such as real estate.
20 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 Division 18 Part ill.
21 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 ss 23AH, 23AI and 23AJ.
22 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 Part X.
23 Socialist, August 1990,5.
24 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 Part IDA.
25 Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 Part IlIAA.
26 H Reps Deb 1987, Vol 154, 1945 (2 April 1987).
27 Id.
28 Id.
29 Draft White Paper, supra n 13, 18.
30 Id.
31 Id.
32 Id.
33 Ibid 29.
34 Ibid 19.
35 Id.
36 Id.
37 1990-91 Budget Paper No 1 (1990) paragraph 4.47, Appendix B Revenue Statistics 1980-81 to 1990-91, Table B.I, Commonwealth Government Budget Revenue.
38 DJ, Collins, “Taxation of Fringe Benefits” in Head, J G Australian T Reform in Retrospect and Prospect (1989) 101, 105-110Google Scholar.
39 1990-91 Budget Paper No 1 paragraph 4.36.
40 Australian Financial Review, 11 September 1990, 13.
41 Draft White Paper, supra n 13, 15.
42 Id.
43 J, Pope, R, Fayle and M, Duncanson, The Compliance Costs of Personal Income Taxation in Australia, 1986/87 (1990) vGoogle Scholar.
44 Ibid vi.
45 Ibid 27-28.
46 Ibid 29.
47 Ibid 32.
48 Ibid 30-31.
49 Ibid 39.
50 J, Passant, “Tax Avoidance and the Judiciary” (1989) 7(2) Law in Context 24Google Scholar.
51 Draft White Paper, supra n 13, 15.
52 J, Pope, R, Fayle and Chen, D L, The Compliance Costs of Public Companies' Income Taxation in Australia, 1986/87 (1990)Google Scholar.
53 Ibid i-ii.
54 Four Comers, 1 October 1990.
55 Business Council of Australia Press Release 2 October 1990.
56 Id. Whereas the Business Council, using Pope, , Fayle, and Chen, , supra n 52Google Scholar, claims, for its own political purposes, that “.. the cost of compliance in Australia as a percentage of tax revenue is nearly 11 times that of the U.K.”, it conveniently fails to mention that this is gross costs rather than net costs.
57 See for example Mullens v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1976) 76 ATC 4288, Slutzkin v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1977) 77 ATC 4076 and Cridland v Federal Commissioner of Taxation (1977) 77 ATC 4538.
58 For a fuller explanation of this point see supra n 42.
59 J, O'Connor, supra n 14, 206Google Scholar.