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Substantive Unfairness: A New Species of Abuse of Power?
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
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- Copyright © 2000 The Australian National University
Thankyou to Roger Magnusson, Peter Radan, the anonymous referee and the editor for their helpful comments and suggestions. Any remaining errors are mine.
1 For academic comment, see McLachlan, J, “Substantive fairness: Elephantine Review or Guiding Concept?” (1991) 2 PLR 12Google Scholar; McLachlan, J, “Substantive fairness: Elephantine Review or Guiding Concept? Part II” (1991) 2 PLR 109Google Scholar; Abadee, A, “Keeping Government Accountable for its Promises: The Role of Administrative Law” (1998) 5 AJAL 191Google Scholar; Cooke, R, “Fairness” (1989) 19 VUWLR 421Google Scholar; Finn, P and Smith, K J, “The Citizen, the Government and 'Reasonable Expectations'” (1992) 66 ALJ 139Google Scholar; Elias, P, “Legitimate Expectations and Judicial Review” in M Taggert (ed), Judicial Review of Administrative Action in the 1980s (1986)Google Scholar.
2 See discussion below on English developments and their rejection in Australia.
3 [2000] 2 WLR 622.
4 Other issues concerned: whether the decision to close was a breach of Art 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights; whether multi-disciplinary assessment of Miss Coughlan's needs was necessary; and whether the authority was obliged to publicise every submission it received in the course of community consultation. Given these are more peripheral issues that have little relevance to Australia, they will not be discussed here.
5 National Health Service Act 1977, National Assistance Act 1948, National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the policy of the Secretary of State for Health.
6 The effect of this decision was to shift an enormous amount of costs away from the NHS towards local authorities. For this reason, it appears that the decision is unlikely to be appealed by the government.
7 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 641 ([48}).
8 Ibid at 641(para [49]).
9 Ibid at 647(parn [651).
10 Ibid at 648 (para [66]).
11 [1985] AC 835.
12 Ibid at 866.
13 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 649 (parn [691).
14 Ibid at 648-649 (pam [691).
15 Ibid at 649 (J1i3W j69]).
16 Ibid at 654 (para l83]).
17 Ibid at 655 (p,:ra [861).
18 Ibid at 656 (pr:J'a [86]).
19 Ibid.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid at 655-656 (para,; [86I .. IH8J).
24 Ibid at 657 (para [891).
25 Altars, M, Australian Administrativr Law: Cases and Materials (1997) at 458Google Scholar. Also note Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374 at 410-411 per Lord Diplock.
26 Associated Provincial Picture House Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223.
27 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 654 (pc1rc1 [SJ]). In earlier cases, the notion of unfairness was seen as part of Wedncsbury requirements: R v IRC; Ex parte Unilever Pie[1996] STC 68.
28 [2000] 2 WLR 622 al 650 (para [711).
29 29 Passing reference is made to this principle at [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 653 (para f79]).
30 Woolf, H and Jowell, J, De Smith Woo(f and Jowell's Judicial Review of Administrative Action (5th ed 1995) at 417Google Scholar; Raz, J, “The Rule of Law and Its Virtue” (1977) 93 LQR 195 at 198Google Scholar.
31 Waldron, J, “The Rule of Law in Contemporary Liberal Theory” (1989) 2 Ratio Juris 79 at 84CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
32 In addition to the cases below, see R v Deuon County Council; Ex parte Baker[1995] 1 All ER 73. R v lRC; Ex parte MFK Underwriting Agents Ltd [1990] 1 WLR 1545; R v IRC; Ex parte Matrix-Securities Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 334; R v Home Secretary; Ex parte Khan [1984] 1 WLR 1337 R v Home Secretary; Ex partc Ruddock [1987] 2 All ER 518.
33 [1898] 2 QB 91.
34 Ibid at 99-101.
35 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 650 i,pam [72]).
36 (1985) !59 CLR 550.
37 Ibid at 582.
38 [2000] 2 VLR 622 <lt 650- 651 (p,,m [73]J. following R v Devon County Council; Ex partc Baker [1995] 1 All ER 73 at 89 per Simon Brown LJ.
39 Ibid.
40 Ibid.
41 [1972] 2 QB 299.
42 Ibid at 308.
43 [1983] 2 AC 629.
44 J Mclachlan, above n 1 at 110; Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs v Kurtovic (1990) 21 FCR 193 at 222.
45 [1977] QB 643.
46 See section below on estoppel.
47 Allars, M, Introduction to Australian Administrative Law (1990) at 254Google Scholar.
48 [1976] ICR 170.
49 Ibid at 185. See also the comments in Wells v Minister of Housing and Local Government [1967] 1 WLR 1000 at 1007 per Lord Denning MR.
50 [1985) AC 835.
51 Ibid at 866-867 per Lord Templeman.
52 M Allars, above n 47 at 255.
53 [1997] 1 WLR 906.
54 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 652 (pm;1 [76]).
55 For example, rights to accommodation and care in Coughlan or a right to not be reassessed for tax in R v IRC; Ex parte Preston [1985] AC 835.
56 Laker Airways Ltd u Department l'.f Trade[1977] QB 643.
57 HTV v Price Commission[1976] ICR 170.
58 Coughlan [2000} 2 WLR 622 at 655 (parn [861); R v TRC; Ex parte Preston [1985} AC 835.
59 Attorney General of Hong Kong v Ng Yuen Shiu [1983] 2 AC 629.
60 Coughlan [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 656 (J'Mc [86]).
61 Matrix Securities Ltd v Inland Revenue Commissioners [1994] 1 WLR 334.
62 Coughlan [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 656 (p,,ra [86]). See also Rootkin v Kent CC [1981] 1 WLR 1186; Ru Jockey Club; Ex parte RAM Racecourses Ltd [1993] 1 All ER 225; R v IRC; Ex parte Camcaq [1990] 1 WLR 191.
63 R v Liverpool Corporation; Ex parte Liverpool Taxi Fleet Operators' Association[1972] 2 QB 299; Coughlan [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 656 (para [36]).
64 Coughlan [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 656 (para [861).
65 Ibid; Li,,erpool Taxis [1972] 2 QB 299.
66 Coughlan [2000) 2 WLR 622 at 656-657 (paras [87] - [8SI).
67 (1990) 170 CLR I.
68 Ibid at 23.
69 Ibid.
70 (1990) 21 FC:R 193.
71 Ibid at 221.
72 Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh (1995) 183 CLR 273 at 291 per Mason CJ and Deane J.
73 (2000) 'I70 ALR 529.
74 Ibid at 546.
75 Thomson, J, “Estoppel by Representation in Administrative Law”(l998) 26 FL Rev 83 at 88-89Google Scholar.
76 Following R v L)i. '?:1on C1..:-unly CoU"ti"cil; Ex part-c Baker[1995] 1. All ER. 73 at 89 per Sin1on Brcwn LJ: f2GOO] 2 'WLR 622 ; t 6Sl(parn [?31).
77 Ibid at 642 (paras [501 - j52]).
78 Ibid al 642-643 (para [S3]).
79 Ibid at 657 (p1lm [891).
80 (1988) 164 CLR 387.
81 In addition to the cases below, see H Woolf and J Jowell, above n 30 at 427-428, where the comment is made that legitimate expectations and estoppel are only superficially related, given that one does need to show detrimental reliance to prove a breach of natural justice.
82 [1996] STC 681.
83 Ibid at 695. See also R v ITC; Ex parte TSW (House of Lords, March 1992, unreported).
84 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 653-654.
85 Ganz, G, “Legitimate Expectations: a Confusion of Concepts” in C Harlow (ed), Public Law and Politics (1986)Google Scholar.
86 Ibid at 150.
87 Maritime Electric Co Ltd 'I' General Dairies Ltd[1937] AC 610; Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries v Matthews [1950] 1 KB 148; Howell v Falmouth Boat Construction Co Ltd [1951] AC 837; Commissioners of Customs and Excise v Hebson Ltd (1953) 2 Lloyds Rep 382; Southend-011- Sea Corporation v Hodgson (Wickford) Ltd [1962] 1 QB 416; Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely County Council u Rust [1972] 2 QB 426.
88 M Allars, above n 47 at 206.
89 Ayr Harbour Trustees v Oswald (1883) 8 App Cas 623.
90 (1995) 57 FCR 98.
91 Ibid at 107.
92 Maritime Electric Co Ltd I' General Dairies Ltd [1937] AC 610 at 620 per Lord McMaugham.
93 J Thomson, above n 75 at 92.
94 M Allars, above n 47 at 208-211 and 253-258.
95 (1990) 21 FCR 193.
96 Ibid at 215.
97 Aronson, M and Dwyer, B, Judicial Review of Administrative Action (1996) at 169Google Scholar.
98 (l990) 170 CLR 1. See also ibid at 169-170.
99 J Thomson, above n 75 at 94. (1990) 170 CLR 1.
100 (1990) 170 CLR 1.
101 Ibid at 18.
102 Liverpool Taxis [1972] 2 WLR 1262 at 1268.
103 To borrow the phrase from P Cane, An Introduction to Administratiue Law (2nd ed 1992) at 225.
104 Gummow J also noted in Kurtovic that arguments of substantive fairness in that case added nothing to the arguments raised in relation to estoppel: (1990) 21 FCR 193 at 222.
105 (1993) 31 ALD 352. See also Re Buksh and Minister For Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (1991) 102 ALR 647; Keenan v Minister for Immigration Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (1993) 30 ALD 9"18.
106 (1993) 31 ALD 352 at 353.
107 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 646 (para [59]).
108 Ibid.
109 As does Rootkin u Kent CC [1981] 1 WLR 1186; R u Tockey Club; Ex parte RAM Racecourses Ltd [1993] 1 All ER 225; R v IRC; Ex parte Camcaq [1990] l WLR 191.
110 H Woolf and J Jowell, above n 30 at 573, relying on R v Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Foods; Ex parte I-iambic Fisheries (Offshore) Ltd [1995] 2 All ER 714; R v ORC; Ex parte MFK Underwriting Agencies Ltd ['1990] 1 WLR 1545 at 1569-1570; R v Secretary of State jiJr the Home Department; Ex parte Khan [1984] 1 WLR 1337.
111 H Woolf and J Jowell, above n 30 at 574.
112 [1985] AC 318.
113 [1997] 1 WLR 906.
114 For Miss Coughlan the right to respect for one's home, under s 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which the Court of Appeal recognised as being infringed. For the prisoners, their right to liberty through sentence reduction and early release.
115 [1985] AC 318 at 338 per Lord Scannan.
116 [2000] 2 WLR 622 at 657 (parn [89]).
117 Ibid at 655-656 (parn [861).
118 Ibid at 646 (porn [60]).
119 Ibid at 656 (parc1 [881).
120 J Thomson, above n 75 at 98.
121 (2000] 2 WLR 622 at 654 (para [821).
122 (1990) 21 FCR 193 at 221.
123 Quin (1990) 170 CLR 1 at 39-40. Dawson J found similarly but Toohey J (in the minority) accepted Ng Yuen Shiu as being good authority.
124 Byron Council v Vaughan [1998] NSWLEC 158; Butler v Fourth Medical Services Review Tribunal (1997] FCA 773; Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs u Polat (:1995) 37 ALD 394; JL Holdings Pty Ltd v Queensland [1998] FCA 220; Paull v Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (1998] FCA 1347; Langely v Re-patriation Commission (1993) 43 FCR 194; Kaur v Minister jiir lmmigration 1 Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (Federal Court of Australia, Carr J, 14 December 1993, unreported); Wasfi v Commonwealth [1998] 639 FCA; McElligott v. Minister of State jiJr Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs (Federal Court of Australia, Full Court, 12 November 1993, unreported); p&Q Ports Ltd v Port of Melbourne Authority and Melbourne Port Corporation (Supreme Court of Victoria, Harper J, 1 July 1997, unreported).
125 Some cases accept that the potential for review exists but decline to go furlher, eg, Byron Council v Vaughan [1998] NSWLEC 158.
126 (1992) 39 FCR 420.
127 Ibid at 425.
128 (1997) 73 FCR 303.
129 See comments in Campbell, E, “Estoppel in Pais and Public Authorities” (1998) 5 AJAL 157 at l63-164Google Scholar.
130 Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Petrovski (1997) 73 FCR 303 at 325.
131 (1996) 185 CLR 259.
132 Ibid at 272 per Brennan CJ, Toohey, McHugh and Gummow JJ citing Brennan J in Quin (1990) 170 CLR I at 35-36.
133 C Stewart, “Judicial Review of Medical Treatment: A Further Role for the Courts?” (1999) 7 JLM 2'12; C Stewart, “Tragic choices and the Role of Administrative Law” (2000) 321 BMJ 105.
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