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The Australian States and Participation in the Foreign Policy Process
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2025
Recent assertions by the Australian States of a right to participate in the foreign policy process, in particular by the conclusion of international agreements and by the establishment of relations with foreign governments, are examined in the light of constitutional and international law. Some reference is made to Canadian and United States precedents.
The author concludes that the Federal Government has, to a large extent, an exclusive executive and legislative competence in matters of foreign relations. However, the States also have certain legitimate concerns and aspirations in such matters. The way in which these State interests can be met, while maintaining a unified Australian voice, is discussed, with particular reference to the new arrangements for co-operation between the Commonwealth and the States in treaty-making, agreed to at the Premiers’ Conference in 1977. The way in which the Commonwealth uses its constitutional powers, as well as the responsibility which the States show in the exercise of their powers in relation to treaty implementation, is likely to determine the course of future constitutional development in this area.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright © 1978 The Australian National University
The views expressed are the personal views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Attorney-General's Department.
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6 (1974) 48 A.L.J.R. 161, 169.
7 Bistricic v. Rokov (1977) 51 A.L.J.R. 163, 169. For a comment on the judgment by Murphy J. see Bickovskii, , “No Deliberate Innovators: Mr Justice Murphy and the Australian Constitution” (1977) 8 F.L. Rev. 460, 465-470.Google Scholar
8 Despatch from Secretary of State of the Colonies to the Officer Administering the Government of South Australia, 25 November 1902. Reproduced in Greenwood, and Grimshaw, , Documents on Australian International Affairs 1901-1918 (1977) 132.Google Scholar
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13 R. v. Burgess; ex parte Henry (1936) C.L.R. 608, 645.
14 New South Wales v. Commonwealth (1975) 8 A.L.R. 1, 16 per Barwick C.J., 19 per McTiernan J., 119 per Murphy J.
15 Barton v. Commonwealth (1974) 48 A.L.J.R. 161; see also Victoria v. Commonwealth (1975) 7 A.L.R. 277, 333-334 per Jacobs J.
16 New South Wales v. Commonwealth (1975) 8 A.L.R.1, 119.
17 Id. 9.
18 Zines, , supra n. 5, 37.Google Scholar
19 Dated 1 December 1976. The Report was presented to the Queensland Parliament in accordance withs. 6(b) of the Treaties Commission Act 1974 (Qld).
20 Id. 26-27.
21 New South Wales v. Commonwealth, Transcript of Argument, 15 April 1975.
22 See the report on conclusion of a five year agreement on agricultural development between Libya and Western Australia, Australian 22 June 1974. A report of a similar agreement between Libya and South Australia appeared in Canberra Times 17 June 1974.
23 Report of Queensland Treaties Commission, supra n. 19, 28.
24 Saudi Arabia v. Arabian American Oil Company (Aramco arbitration) (1958) Int. L. Rep. 117.
25 Vienna Convention on Treaties, Art. 2.
26 “Australia's Treaty Practice” (1976) Vol. 47, No. 4 Australian Foreign Affairs Record 183.
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32 Gotlieb, loc. cit.
33 (1966) II Yearbook of the International Law Commission 191.
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35 Bernier, , International Legal Aspects of Federalism (1973) 82.Google Scholar
36 Bernier, op. cit. 35; Wildhaber, , Treaty-Making Power and Constitution (1971) 261-265.Google Scholar
37 Art. 1, s. 10.
38 Bernier, op. cit. n. 35, 50. For a discussion of agreements made by the American States, see Henkin, , Foreign Affairs and the Constitution (1972) 228-234Google Scholar; Wildhaber, op. cit. n. 36, 332-334.
39 See Butler, , The Treaty Making Power of the United States (1902) 35-39Google Scholar; U.S. v. Curtiss Wright (1936) 299 U.S. 304.
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41 [1936] S.C.R. 461,488. See also Martin, , Federation and International Relations (1968).Google Scholar
42 See McWhinney, , supra n. 31Google Scholar, for details.
43 Ibid.
44 See Rand, , “International Agreements between Canadian Provinces and Foreign States” (1967) 25 Faculty of Law Review (University of Toronto) 75Google Scholar for examples of Provincial agreements.
45 Jacomy-Millette, , Treaty Law in Canada (1975) 77.Google Scholar
46 Intergovernmental Affairs Department Act, 1974 Ch. 15.
47 The Department of Federal and Intergovernmental Affairs Act, 1972 Ch. 33.
48 s.10.
49 Atkey, , supra n. 40, 269-270.Google Scholar
50 Ibid.
51 “Canadian Federalism and International Law” in Macdonald, Morris and Johnston (eds.), Canadian Perspectives on International Law (1974) 66-67.
52 Gotlieb, , supra n. 31.Google Scholar
53 (1974) II Yearbook of the International Law Commission (Pt I) 279.
54 Id. 280.
55 United Nations General Assembly , Official Records 29th Session AIC. 6/SR.1494 (Mr Coles) 7 November 1974.
56 Infra pp. 281-282.
57 Information obtained from Yearbooks of the various States. The Queensland Premier recently announced his intention to establish an Agents-General Office in Japan. Courier Mail 25 March 1978.
58 Qld: Agent-General for Queensland Act 1975;S.A.: Agent-General Act 1901-1975; Vic.: Agent-General's Act 1958; W.A.:Agent-General Act 1895-1975; Tas.: Agent-General Act 1911. Doeker, The Treaty-Making Power in the Commonwealth of Australia (1966) 213-215.
59 Sharman, , supra n. 1, 316; 310-318Google Scholar for a general discussion of State representation overseas.
60 Diplomatic Immunities (Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act 1952 and Commonwealth Countries and Republic of Ireland Diplomatic Immunities Order in Council, 1971 No. 1237.
61 Pearce v. Florenca (1976) 9 A.L.R. 289; Robinson v. The Western Australian Museum (1977) 51 A.L.J.R. 806.
62 New South Wales v. Commonwealth (1975) 8 A.L.R. 1.
63 R. v. Burgess; ex parte Henry (1936) 55 C.L.R. 608.
64 See the Prevention of Pollution by Oil Acts passed by the Commonwealth and the States to give effect to the 1954 IMCO Convention on Prevention of Pollution by Oil.
65 New South Wales v. Commonwealth (1975) 8 A.L.R. 1, 16.
66 Supra n.46.
67 Supra 58.
68 S. 109, Commonwealth Constitution.
69 (1941) 312 U.S.52.
70 Ibid.
71 See Graham v. Richardson (1971) 403 U.S. 365.
72 (1968) 389 U.S. 429.
73 Ibid.
74 See Brief for the United States: 19 L.Ed. 2d 1500.
75 (1946) 331 U.S. 503.
76 Attorney-General of N.S.W. v. Collector of Customs for N.S.W.(1908) 5 C.L.R. 818, 842-843.
77 See the recent judgment by Murphy J. in Australian Broadcasting Commission v. Industrial Court of South Australia (1978) 52 A.L.J.R.31, 39 where the test of “dominant federal interest” is suggested.
78 For a statute that one might expect to be held to be an invalid intrusion see the Maryland Foreign Trade Boycott Act (1976) 15 International Legal Materials 662.
79 (1976) 9 A.L.R. 289, 298.
80 Henkin, , Foreign Affairs and The Constitution (1972) 223.Google Scholar
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84 Reisman, , “Foreign Affairs and the Several States: Outline of a Theory for Decision” (1977) 71 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 182, 183.Google Scholar
85 Transcript, Press Conference by Prime Minister, 21 October 1977.
86 Doeker, , supra n. 58, 109.Google Scholar
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