Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 June 2004
Gliricidia sepium features prominently as a soil replenishment tree in planted coppicing fallows in eastern Zambia. Its usual method of propagation, through nurseryseedlings, is costly and may possibly hinder wider on-farm adoption. We compared fallows propagated by potted and bare root seedlings, direct seeding and stem cuttings, in terms of tree coppice biomass production, soil inorganic N availability and post-fallow maize yields under semi-arid conditions. We hypothesized that cutting fallows initially in May (off-season) would increase subsequent seasonal coppice biomass production as opposed to cutting them in November (at cropping). The tree survival and biomass order after two years was: potted = bare root > direct > cuttings. The post-fallow maize productivity sequence was: fertilized maize = potted = bare root > direct > cuttings = no-tree unfertilized controls, across seasons. However, farmers may prefer directly seeded fallows owing to their cost effectiveness. Soil inorganic N and maize yield were significantly higher in May-cut than in November-cut fallows. Preseason topsoil inorganic N and biomass N input correlated highly with maize yields. This implies that bothparameters may be used to predict post-fallow crop yields.