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Agronomic and Physiological Constraints to the Productivity of Tropical Grain Legumes and Prospects for Improvement
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 October 2008
Growth and development of the tropical grain legumes are generally highly sensitive to photo-thermal regime, so that seasonal and regional effects on phenology and yield potential can be large. Yet failure adequately to recognize and fully exploit the consequences of genotype × latitude/sowing date × density interactions has frequently constrained both agronomic and genetic advance with these species. Thus there is opportunity for short term productivity improvements through agronomic strategies which accept the implications of phenological plasticity, and seek to optimize management practices such as sowing date and sowing density, to exploit more effectively the yield potential and broaden the adaptation of existing cultivars. The greatest physiological potential for genetic improvement in the productivity of the tropical grain legumes lies not with increasing total biomass, but with increasing the proportion of bio-mass partitioned into seed, i.e. with improved harvest index (HI). There are difficulties in selecting for higher HI, including its association with phenology, although the latter provides the most powerful tool for manipulating HI in the short term. As with the cereals, more productive genotypes are likely to be characterized by reduced sensitivity to photothermal conditions, shorter growth duration, a more synchronous reproductive ontogeny, and greater HI, than is typical of traditional cultivars. Accordingly, optimal sowing densities will be higher, and crops will need more inputs, better management and more effective protection, than afforded to them in subsistence systems of production. Moreover, the increases in productivity will be achieved, at least partially, at the expense of the potential for yield homeostasis in adverse environments, and of non-seed components such as forage, fuel or tubers - attributes that are often highly valued in subsistence agriculture where many of the tropical food legumes are presently grown. Improvement programmes will therefore need to adopt strategies in particular situations which reflect local perceptions of the importance of productivity improvement relative to that of minimizing inputs and risk.
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- Research Article
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- Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1989
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