Definitions of insanity and the treatment of those identified as mentally ill have been more obviously subject to changes in social values and ideas of individual responsibility than any other category of clinically recognised illness. These changes have exercised a significant influence upon the relationship of psychological to physical medicine and, inter alia, the status of psychiatry as a scientific and authoritative source of medical treatment and social labelling. The present trend towards the integration and expansion of psychiatry within general and community medicine has resulted in the increasing involvement of psychiatry in the problems of social life. A wide spectrum of deviant and socially disturbing behaviour, previously considered largely as legal or moral problems, is now seen and treated as a symptom of illness and explained in medical terms.
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(11) The following, necessarily condensed account, draws freely upon the literature of psychiatric research and, in particular, upon Sir Aubrey Lewis's highly respected appraisal of the field. Lewis most clearly articulates the main tenets of a medical model of illness in his seminal paper, Health as a Social Concept, BJS, IV (1953), 109–124Google Scholar. The views expressed there are developed and elaborated in his later publications, which include The State of Psychiatry and Inquiries in Psychiatry (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1967)Google Scholar.
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(14) Ibid., pp. 109, 124.
(15) Ibid., p. 109.
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(24) T. Szasz, The Myth of Mental Illness, op. cit.
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(27) The general concept of disease is rarely explicitly discussed in medical literature. It has, however, been the subject of interest in the philosophy of science. This account of the basic features of the concept is largely indebted to King, L. S., What is Disease? Phil, of Set., XXI (1954), 193–203Google Scholar.
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(30) Scheff, Thomas J., Being Mentally Ill (London, Weindenfeld and Nicolson, 1966)Google Scholar.
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(35) Cf. Goffman's analysis of mental symptons as “wilful situational impropriaties”, in “Insanity of Place”.
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(38) Aubert, V. and Messinger, S. L., The Criminal and the Sick, Inquiry, I (1958), p. 139Google Scholar.
(39) This observation is widely supported by numerous documentary studies of the identification of insanity in family and other social contexts. See, for example, Yarrow, M., Schwartz, C., Murphy, H. and Deasy, L., The Psychological Meaning of Mental Illness, J. of Soc. Issues, XI (1955), 4, pp. 12–24CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Schwartz, Charlotte, Perspectives on Deviance — Wives' definitions of their husband's mental illness, Psychiatry, XX (1957), 275–291CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Mills, Enid, Living with Mental Illness, (London, Rout-ledge and Kegan Paul, 1962)Google Scholar; Sampson, H., Messinger, S. and Townb, R., Schizophrenic Women: studies in marital crisis (New York, Atherton, 1964)Google Scholar.
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(41) The social consequences of the havoc caused by insanity in interpersonal relations and the dynamics of containment are analysed in detail by Goffman in his essay, “Insanity of Place”.
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(43) This comparison has been drawn by anthropologists on numerous occasions; however, see, in particular, Horton, Robin, African Traditional Thought and Western Science, Africa, XXXVII (1967), 50–71 and 155–187CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Although Horton does not discuss mental illness in detail, much of his analysis of the similarities between scientific and traditional systems of thought applies in this particular context.
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