* S. M. Greenwold, Monkhood versus Priesthood in Buddhism, Newar, in von FÜrer-Haimendorf, Christoph (ed.), Contributions to the Anthropology of Nepal (Warminister, Aris and Phillips, 1974), pp. 129–149Google Scholar; Id., Buddhist Brahmans, European Journal of Sociology, XV (1974), 101–123; Id., Kingship and Caste, id. XVI (1975), 49–75; Anne Vergati Stahl, M. Greenwold et les Néwars. Doit-on vraiment recourir à deux modèles du système des castes au Népal? id. XVI (1975), 310–316.
(1) Poussin, L. de La Vallée, The Way to Nirvana, six lectures on ancient Buddhism as a discipline of salvation (New York, Cambridge University Press, 1917), pp. 475Google Scholar.
(2) Allen, M., Buddhism Without Monks: the Vajrayana religion of the Newars of Kathmandu Valley, Journal of South Asian Studies, III (1973), 1–14Google Scholar; see p. 13.
* In ending I should like to correct an error in the published text of “Kingship and Caste”: on page 54 sufficient appears where the word should have been insufficient, so that the text should have read: ‘[…] then a sideration of the structural principle of purity and pollution by itself is insufficient for an understanding of caste.’