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Editorial board
Deputy Editor-in-Chief and Editor of Commissioned Reviews

Prof. Dr. Thomas Crozier, Zentrum Anaesthesiologie, Rettungs- und Intensivmedizin|Georg-August Universität|Robert-Koch-Strasse 40|37075 Gottingen|Germany
[email protected]


Professor Jean-Pierre Haberer, Hotel-Dieu de Paris, Paris, France
[email protected]

Professor Martin Tràmer, Hôpitaux Universitaires, Genève, Switzerland
[email protected]

Dr Giorgio Capogna, Città di Roma Hospital, Italy
[email protected]|[email protected]

Dr Hans Tydén, University Hospital, Sweden
[email protected]

Professor Martin Leuwer, University of Liverpool, UK
[email protected]

Professor Adrian Gelb, University of California San Francisco, USA
[email protected]

Professor Lajos Bogar, Pécs, Hungary
[email protected]

Dr Craig Bailey, Guys Hospital, London, UK
[email protected]

Professor Per Rosenberg, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
[email protected]

Dr Malachy Columb, South Manchester University Hospital, UK
[email protected]

Professor Stefan De Hert, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
[email protected]

Professor George Shorten, Cork University Hospital, Republic of Ireland
[email protected]

Professor Carla Nau, University Hospital Erlangen, Germany

Editor of Supplements

Dr Basil Matta, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, UK
[email protected]

Editor of EACTA Supplements

Dr Robert Feneck, London, UK
[email protected]

Statistical Adviser

Dr Chris Pomfrett, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK
[email protected]

Associate Editors

Dr Chris Pomfrett, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK
[email protected]

Dr Nigel J. N. Harper, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK
[email protected]

Chairman, Management Board

Professor A. R. Aitkenhead, University of Nottingham, UK

Management Board

Dr A. Hoeft †, Bonn, Germany

Dr B. Matta, Cambridge, UK

Professor H. Van Aken, Munster, Germany

Sir P. Simpson, Bristol, UK

Professor E. Kochs, Munich, Germany

Professor M. Tràmer, Geneve, Switzerland

Dr C.J. Jakobsen, Aarhus, Denmark

Professor J.T.A Knape, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Professor P. Scherpereel, Lille, France