Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 February 2009
The article is divided into three parts:
— the present situation,
— the theoretically possible solutions,
— a weighing of pros and cons, guided by a standard of regulatory efficiency.
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3 Excellent survey of the various regulatory patterns in OECD, “The Relationship between Competition and Regulatory Authorities”, 1(3) OECD Journal of Competition Law & Policy (1999) 169–245Google Scholar; attempt of a conceptual founding in Bernhard, Duijm, “Wettbewerbssicherung nach Privatisierung und Deregulierung: Aufgabe allgemeiner Wettbewerbs- oder sektoraler Regulierungsbehörden”, in: Hartmut, Berg (ed.), Deregulierung und Privatisierung: Gewolltes Erreichtes – Versäumtes (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2002) pp. 9–27.Google Scholar
4 Art. 7 (4) Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 (Framework Directive) OJ(EC) [2002] L 108/41.
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7 Cf. OECD, supra n. 3, at p. 221.
8 Cf. Directive 2002/21/EC, supra n. 4, Art. 3 (2).
9 Fourth Protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services, Additional Commitment by the European Communities and their Member States, Definitions No. 5 (Independent regulators), BGBl. 1997 II, no. 46 of 26.11.1997, p. 1990.
10 Cf. Wernhard, Möschel, “Die deutsche Fusionskontrolle auf dem Prüfstand des europäischen Rechts: ‘Überflügelung’ oder Harmonisierung”, 43 Die Aktiengesellschaft (1998) 561–566.Google Scholar
11 EC Commission, White Paper on the Modernisation of the Rules Implementing Articles 85 and 86 of the EC Treaty, OJ(EC) [1999] C 132, para. 78.Google Scholar
12 Cf. Proposal of Consumer Protection Against Price-Fixing Act of 1989, 101st Congr. 2d Sess. Senate Report 101–251, at p. 3 (reprinted in CCH TRR Suppl. No. 94 march 13, 1990); “Report of the American Bar Association Section of Antitrust Law Task Force on the Antitrust Division of the US Department of Justice”, 19 July 1989, 57 Antitrust & Trade Reg. Rep. Special Suppl. (no. 1425–1989) at p. 14.
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