Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 January 2006
Initially motivated by a practical issue in target detection vialaser vibrometry, we are interested in the problem of periodicsignal detection in a Gaussian fixed design regression framework.Assuming that the signal belongs to some periodic Sobolev ball andthat the variance of the noise is known, we first consider theproblem from a minimax point of view: we evaluate the so-calledminimax separation rate which corresponds to the minimall 2-distance between the signal and zero so that the detection ispossible with prescribed probabilities of error. Then, we propose atesting procedure which is available when the variance of the noiseis unknown and which does not use any prior information about thesmoothness degree or the period of the signal. We prove that it isadaptive in the sense that it achieves, up to a possible logarithmicfactor, the minimax separation rate over various periodic Sobolevballs simultaneously. The originality of our approach as compared torelated works on the topic of signal detection is that our testingprocedure is sensitive to the periodicity assumption on the signal.A simulation study is performed in order to evaluate the effect ofthis prior assumption on the power of the test. We do observe thegains that we could expect from the theory. At last, we turn to theapplication to target detection by laser vibrometry that we had inview.