Article contents
Exact null internal controllability for the heat equation on unbounded convex domains∗
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 January 2014
The liner parabolic equation \hbox{$\frac{\pp y}{\pp t}-\frac12\,\D y+F\cdot\na y={\vec{1}}_{\calo_0}u$}∂y∂t−12 Δy+F·∇y=1𝒪0u with Neumann boundary condition on a convex open domain 𝒪 ⊂ ℝdwith smooth boundary is exactly null controllable on each finite interval if 𝒪0is an open subset of 𝒪which contains a suitable neighbourhood of the recession cone of \hbox{$\ov\calo$}
𝒪. Here, F : ℝd → ℝd is a bounded, C1-continuous function, and F = ∇g, where g is convex and coercive.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations , Volume 20 , Issue 1 , January 2014 , pp. 222 - 235
- Copyright
- © EDP Sciences, SMAI, 2014
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