Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 August 2014
To any positive contraction $Q$ on $\ell ^{2}(W)$, there is associated a determinantal probability measure $\mathbf{P}^{Q}$ on $2^{W}$, where $W$ is a denumerable set. Let ${\rm\Gamma}$ be a countable sofic finitely generated group and $G=({\rm\Gamma},\mathsf{E})$ be a Cayley graph of ${\rm\Gamma}$. We show that if $Q_{1}$ and $Q_{2}$ are two ${\rm\Gamma}$-equivariant positive contractions on $\ell ^{2}({\rm\Gamma})$ or on $\ell ^{2}(\mathsf{E})$ with $Q_{1}\leq Q_{2}$, then there exists a ${\rm\Gamma}$-invariant monotone coupling of the corresponding determinantal probability measures witnessing the stochastic domination $\mathbf{P}^{Q_{1}}\preccurlyeq \mathbf{P}^{Q_{2}}$. In particular, this applies to the wired and free uniform spanning forests, which was known before only when ${\rm\Gamma}$ is residually amenable. In the case of spanning forests, we also give a second more explicit proof, which has the advantage of showing an explicit way to create the free uniform spanning forest as a limit over a sofic approximation. Another consequence of our main result is to prove that all determinantal probability measures $\mathbf{P}^{Q}$ as above are $\bar{d}$-limits of finitely dependent processes. Thus, when ${\rm\Gamma}$ is amenable, $\mathbf{P}^{Q}$ is isomorphic to a Bernoulli shift, which was known before only when ${\rm\Gamma}$ is abelian. We also prove analogous results for sofic unimodular random rooted graphs.