Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 November 2014
The study of quadratic polynomials is a foundational part of modern complex dynamics. In this article, we study quasiregular counterparts to these in the plane. More specifically, let $h:\mathbb{C}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ be an
$\mathbb{R}$-linear map and consider the quasiregular mapping
$H=g\circ h$, where
$g$ is a quadratic polynomial. By studying
$H$ and via the Böttcher-type coordinate constructed in A. Fletcher and R. Fryer [On Böttcher coordinates and quasiregular maps. Contemp. Math.575 (2012), 53–76], we are able to obtain results on the dynamics of any degree-two mapping of the plane with constant complex dilatation. We show that any such mapping has either one, two or three fixed external rays, that all cases can occur and exhibit how the dynamics changes in each case. We use results from complex dynamics to prove that these mappings are nowhere uniformly quasiregular in a neighbourhood of infinity. We also show that in most cases, two such mappings are not quasiconformally conjugate on a neighbourhood of infinity.