Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 May 2009
In a multi-laboratory trial, lauryl tryptose mannitol broth (LTMB) and minerals-modified glutamate medium with added tryptophan (MMGM + T) were compared as single tube tests for the confirmation of Escherichia coli in water; the confirmed results were also compared with the production of gas from minerals-modified glutamate medium without added tryptophan (MMGM). LTMB and MMGM + T gave similar gas and indole results with about 90% of the water samples in most of the laboratories. When compared with the ‘correct’ results as judged by acid and gas production from lactose peptone water and indole from tryptone water, the difference in the rate of false positive reactions between LTMB and MMGM + T was insignificant; but LTMB gave a significantly lower rate of false negative reactions than MMGM + T. Gas production from MMGM without added tryptophan gave significantly higher rates of both false positive and false negative reactions. Lauryl sulphate is therefore a suitable inhibitory surfactant for use in single tubemedia for the confirmation of E. coli, which can be recommended.