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Edinburgh Journal of Botany is an international journal of plant systematics. Contributions relating to plant systematics and allied subjects, including biodiversity, conservation science and phytogeography, will be considered. Papers reporting the results of research that link traditional and modern techniques are especially welcomed. Manuscripts should be sent in electronic form to [email protected]. All manuscripts will be subject to multiple peer review before publication. Submitted manuscripts should not have been accepted for publication or be under consideration elsewhere. The language of the journal is UK English. Authors whose mother tongue is not English should have their papers checked by a fluent or proficient English speaker before submission.

There are no page charges. A PDF offprint will be supplied free of charge to the corresponding author. Paper offprints may be purchased through the publisher. Colour plates are published online and in print free of charge.

Text pages should be numbered serially, with the title and abstract on the first. Genus and species names should be italicised and should be followed by the authority when first used in the main text or in diagnoses. SI (metric) units must be used other than in specimen citations where appropriate. Authors are advised not to return loan material of new taxa until papers have been reviewed. Refer to volume 63 onwards to see how nomenclatural details, typification and specimens seen should be formatted.

The title page should include the title, the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), the abstract, a short running title and a few important keywords. Titles do not normally include authors of scientific names. Correspondence will be addressed to the first author unless otherwise indicated. The abstract should be concise and informative.

Author abbreviations should precisely follow: The International Plant Names Index,; Index Fungorum, Authors of Fungal Names,

Herbarium abbreviations should follow: Index Herbariorum. Part I: The Herbaria of the World,

Journal abbreviations should follow: BPH Online,

Book title abbreviations should follow: Taxonomic Literature, except that all abbreviated words should be capitalised, e.g. Sp. Pl. not Sp. pl.

References in the text should be cited by author and publication date: (Smith, 2014) or ‘as stated by Smith (2014)’. Multiple references should be arranged chronologically. For three or more authors use et al. In the reference list, references should be in alphabetical order and should appear in the following style:

EJB Book referencing style IFCs

Tables should be numbered in arabic numerals and carry a descriptive title. 

Figures, whether line drawings or photographs, should be numbered consecutively in arabic numerals and referred to in the text thus: (Fig. 1), (Figs 2, 3), (Figs 1–4). 

Each figure should be supplied as an individual file. The multiple elements of any composite figure should not be supplied as individual files. Figure legends should be provided separately, at the end of the main text file. Line drawings should be scanned in black and white at ≥1000 dpi and photographs scanned at ≥300 dpi (but correspond with the editor if this should prove problematic), and should ideally be supplied as TIFF or EPS files for line drawings, and TIFF, EPS or PDF files for photographs. Some other file formats are permissible; please see the Cambridge Journals Artwork Guide ( for more information.

 Please use LZW compression for TIFF files, remove excess space and elements from around the image, and crop or scale the image to the journal page size (12.5 × 19.5 cm to include caption). A measured scale mark should be included on each illustration to indicate magnification.

FirstView articles in Edinburgh Journal of Botany

All articles are published online on FirstView ahead of allocation to an issue. All taxonomic articles will contain the date of original online publication on FirstView, which fulfils the stipulations of the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.

Open Access publication in Edinburgh Journal of Botany

Edinburgh Journal of Botany offers authors the option to publish their work via Gold Open Access. By paying a single Article Processing Charge (please see details of our policy and pricing here), authors can make their article freely available to access online upon publication.

Payment of this one-off fee enables anyone to view, search and download an article for personal and non-commercial use (provided that the author and original source are properly acknowledged).

The Cambridge Core Open Option is only offered to authors upon acceptance of an article for publication and as such has no influence on the peer review or acceptance procedure.

Cambridge Journals Language Editing Service

Cambridge recommends that authors have their manuscripts checked by an English language native speaker before submission; this will ensure that submissions are judged at peer review exclusively on academic merit.

Cambridge offers a language-editing service for manuscripts, abstracts and theses in partnership with American Journal Experts, a world-leading provider of author services to researchers around the world. Use of this service is voluntary and at the author’s own expense. Further information is available at

© Trustees of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

Last updated 05/09/2017