Benjamin Harrison, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, London, UK
[email protected]
Consultant Editor
Professor Mark Hill KC, Francis Taylor Building, London, UK
[email protected]
Book Review Editor
Russell Dewhurst, Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University, UK
[email protected]
Case Notes Editor
David Willink, Lamb Chambers, London, UK
[email protected]
Parliament & Synod Editor
Frank Cranmer, St Chad’s College, University of Durham, UK
[email protected]
Editorial Board
Professor Garth Blake AM SC, Professional Standards Commission, Anglican Church of Australia
The Reverend James Bradley, J C D, The Catholic University of America, USA
Professor Ana María Celis Brunet, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
The Reverend Stephen Coleman, Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University, UK
Professor Norman Doe, Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University, UK
The Right Worshipful Morag Ellis KC, Dean of the Arches and Auditor, London, UK
Professor Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan, Italy
Charles George KC, Former Dean of Arches and Auditor, London, UK
Professor Nazila Ghanea, Professor of International Human Rights Law, University of Oxford, UK and Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, United Nations
Professor Richard Helmholz, University of Chicago, USA
Professor Douglas Laycock, University of Virginia Law School, USA
Professor Javier Martínez-Torrón, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain
Professor David McClean KC, Former Chancellor of the diocese of Sheffield, UK
The Reverend Alexander McGregor, Registrar and Chief Legal Adviser to the General Synod, UK
The Reverend Dr Robert Ombres OP, Blackfriars, Oxford, UK
Professor Julian Rivers, University of Bristol, UK
Professor Dr Gerhard Robbers, University of Trier, Germany
Professor Marco Ventura, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Professor John Witte Jr, Emory University, Atlanta, USA