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The Church of England's Declaration of Assent
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 July 2008

- Type
- The General Synod of the Church of England
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- Copyright
- Copyright © Ecclesiastical Law Society 1999
1 May They All Be One. Response of the House of Bishops of the Church of England to Ut Uman Sint (GS Misc 495. 1997). paras 58. 28. 17.Google Scholar
2 For what follows, see Subscription and Assent to the Thirty-nine Articles (London, 1968). paras 1–7.
3 Bicknell, E. J.. A Theological Introduction to the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England (London, 1947). p. 26.Google Scholar
4 Subscription and Assent, para 8.
5 Subscription and Assent, paras 51–7.
6 Ibid., para 89.
7 Ibid., para 94.
8 Lambeth Palace Library. Archbishop's Commission on Christian Doctrine, vol. 1. Minutes. 23–4 February 1968: f. 68v. nos 38(iv) and 39.
9 Ibid., Paper 26: suggested emendations, f. 105r; Minutes. 29–30 May 1968: ff 115–16. no. 47.
10 Ibid, Minutes. 29–30 May 1968: f. 116, no. 47.
11 Ibid., Minutes. 19 July 1968: f. 118. no. 55.
12 Ibid., Minutes. 23–4 September 1967, f. 136. no. 81(c): note appended to Subscription and Assent.
13 Subscription and Assent, para 99.
14 ‘The doctrine of the Church of England is grounded in the Holy Scriptures, and in such teachings of the ancient Fathers and Councils of the Church as are agreeable to the said Scriptures. In particular such doctrine is to be found in the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Ordinal.’
15 Report of Proceedings. iii (1972). 789 804.Google Scholar
16 Ibid., p. 791: the Revd P. J. M. Bryan (Peterborough).
17 Ibid. p. 797.
18 Ibid. pp. 802–3: Mr K. Haye (Lincoln).
19 Church of England Record Centre. GSA/CNS/C15/1: Proposals from Members of the Synod (DA(73)I). Letter from Lady Alethea Eliot (DA(73)2). Further Correspondence (DA(73)3): Declaration of Assent: Report of the Revision Committee (GS 116A).
20 DA(73)1. p. 2.
21 GSA/CNS/C15/1: untitled document.
22 DA(73)1. p.6.
23 Report of Proceedings. iii (1972). 797.Google Scholar
24 GSA/CNS/C15/1: E. A. Eadie to M. F Elliott-Binns. 31 January 1973. enclosing Draft Amendments.
25 DA(73)1. p. 3. DA(73)3. p. 5.
26 GS 116A.
27 GS 116A. para 10.
28 GSA/CNS/15/1: Elliott-Binnsto Lewis. 6 February 1973.
29 GSA/CNS/C15/3: Elliott-Binnsto Lewis. 15 February 1973. See the Church of England (Worship and Doctrine) Measure 1974. s 5(1).
30 GSA/CNS/C15/3: Elliott-Binnsto Lewis. 19 March 1973.
31 GSA/CNS/C15/1.
32 GSA/CNS/C15/3: Lewis to R. J. Byrom. 5 April 1973.
33 GSA/CNS/C15/1: Further Communication from the Chairman (DA(73)7).
34 C. R. Campling to Elliott-Binns. 4 May 1973.
35 GS 116A. paras 8 9.
36 Report of Proceedings. iv (1973). 475–80.Google Scholar
37 Ibid
38 Report by the House of Bishops (GS 116C).
39 The Canon was amended in 1992 (without debate) to remove the requirement that the Declaration be subscribed (actually signed) as well as made (read aloud).
40 Subscription and Assent, para 95.
41 Revised Canons Ecclesiastical. Canon C 15. para 4.
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