Chairman & Editor-in-Chief
Rob Ellam, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, UK|(Isotope geochemistry, igneous petrogenesis)
Alex Brasier, University of Aberdeen, UK|(Carbonate sedimentology; stable isotope geochemistry; terrestrial environments)
Yves Candela, National Museum of Scotland, UK|(Invertebrate palaeontology, palaeogeography, palaeobiology)
Amy Gilligan, University of Aberdeen, UK|(Seismology, lithospheric structure, geophysics)
David Jolley, University of Aberdeen, UK|(Palynology, structural geology, volcanic rock stratigraphy)
Ian Lawson, University of St Andrews, UK|(Quaternary science, palynology, peatlands)
Allan Lilly, James Hutton Institute, UK (Soil hydrology, soil science, soil survey)
Alistair McGowan, BioGeoD, Edinburgh, UK|(Palaeobiology; biodiversity; invertebrate palaeontology; the Fossil record)
Elsa Panciroli, Oxford University Museum of Natural History, UK|(Vertebrate palaeontology, evolutionary biology, functional morphology)
Emrys Phillips, British Geological Survey, UK|(Glacial sciences, soft-sediment deformation)
Andrew Ross, National Museums Scotland, UK|(Invertebrate palaeontology; palaeobiology; palaeoecology; palaeoenvironment; palaeoclimate)
Stig Walsh, National Museums Scotland, UK|(Vertebrate palaeobiology; vertebrate palaeontology)