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XXII.—The Maltese Fossil Echinoidea, and their Evidence on the Correlation of the Maltese Rocks
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 January 2013
The rocks which form the Maltese islands have been at various times referred to very different parts of the Cainozoic group. At first they were all assigned to the Eocene, but a further knowledge of their fossils led to the transference of the whole series to the Miocene, in which system they have been included by most English writers. Herr Th. Fuchs, However, who first attempted any precise determination of the horizons of the subdivisions, correlated the Upper Limestone with the Leithakalk and the Blue Clay with the Schlier, and included the two lowest beds in the Oligocene. Dr Murray, however, in the course of his recent Memoir, has explained the striking palæontological differences between the faunas of the different deposits as due to altered conditions of formation rather than to lapse of time, and seems to follow earlier authors in including the whole series in the Miocene.
The Echinoidea of these deposits were originally described by Dr Wright in 1855,§ with additions and corrections in 1864; but since that time much work has been done on the allied faunas.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh , Volume 36 , Issue 3 , 1892 , pp. 585 - 639
- Copyright
- Copyright © Royal Society of Edinburgh 1892
page 585 note * Fuchs, Th., “Das Alter der Tertiärschichten von Malta,” Sitz. k. k. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx., Abth. 1, 1874, pp. 92–105Google Scholar; “Die Versuche einer Gliederung des unteren Neogen im Gebiete der Mittelmeers,” Zeit. deut. geol. Ges., xxxvii., 1885, p. 141Google Scholar.
page 585 note † Fuchs, Th., “Über den sogenannten ‘Baditer Tegel’ auf Malta,” Sitz. k. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, lxxiii., Abth. i., 1876, pp. 67–74Google Scholar, pl. i.
page 585 note ‡ Murray, J., “The Maltese Islands, with special reference to their Geological Structure,” Scott. Geogr. Mag., vi., 1890, pp. 449–488Google Scholar, pl. i. ii.
page 585 note § Wright, T., “On Fossil Echinoderms from the Island of Malta, with Notes on the Stratigraphical Distribution of the Fossil Organisms in the Maltese Beds,” Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2), xv. pp. 101–127, 175–196, 262–277Google Scholar, pl. iv.-vii. (This paper was also issued in the Proc. Cotteswold Field Club, ii., 1855, pp. 55–117Google Scholar, pl. iv.-vii., and some of the species should perhaps really date from that work; but as it happens to make no difference, the more accessible publication only is referred to.)
page 585 note ∥ Wright, T., “On the Fossil Echinidæ of Malta, with additional Notes on the Miocene Beds of the Island, and the Stratigraphical Distribution of the Species therein, by A. Leith Adams,” Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xx., 1864, pp. 470–491CrossRefGoogle Scholar, pl. xxi. xxii. ProfessorForbes, had previously published a few lines on the Echinoids, “Report on the Collections of Tertiary Fossils from Malta and Gozo,” Proc. Geol. Soc., iv., 1844, pp. 231–232Google Scholar.
page 586 note * Op. cit., p. 490.
page 587 note * De Corporibus Marinis Lapidescentibus (1747), ed. 2, 1752Google Scholar, pl. xxiii. xxiv.
page 589 note * De Corporibus Marinis Lapid., ed. 2, 1852Google Scholar, pl. xxiii.I f. 2; pl. xxiii.II f. 2; pl. xxiv.
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page 595 note * De Corporibus Marinis Lapid., ed. 2, pl. ix. f. 1, 2.
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page 601 note § “When the evidence as to the original type of a genus is not perfectly clear and indisputable, then the person who first subdivides the genus may affix the original name to any portion of it at his discretion, and no later author has a right to transfer that name to any other part of the original genus.”—Brit. Ass. Reports (1842), 1843, p. 111Google Scholar.
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page 604 note * Dr Wright having omitted to describe this species, only naming it on the explanation of the plates, a diagnosis is here given.
page 606 note * M. Pomel suggested this name in 1883 (Genera, p. 62), but gave no diagnosis, and appears to have subsequently abandoned it, so it may be dismissed as a list name only.
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page 615 note † The length has been reduced by crushing; a specimen that better retains its shape gives a length of 62 mm. and a width of 60 mm.
page 616 note * Laube, op. cit., p. 68, pl. xvii. f. 2.
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