Published online by Cambridge University Press: 17 January 2013
My first precise views of the structure of the Tunicata were formed by the perusal of Mr Huxley's masterly papers dealing with the anatomy of Salpa, Pyrosoma, Doliolum, and Appendicularia, in the Phil. Trans. for 1851, Part II.; and I have since had abundant opportunity of verifying all the important facts, made known by that original observer, in the papers to which I have alluded.
Having thus acknowledged my guide in this field of research, I can scarcely claim much originality as relates to pure anatomy; but I hope that the method here adopted, in opening up this interesting subject, will be found in keeping with nature, as it is the result of much study and practical investigation.
page 171 note * We are much in want of more accurate information respecting these genera. Mr Huxley remarks, loc. cit. 588, “In Pelonaia, the hypopharyngeal band has disappeared. It is a Salpa in which the oral and cloacal orifices have approximated, while the ‘gill’ has become obliterated;” and in a note at the bottom of the page he says, “Chelyosoma would appear to resemble Pelonaia in the absence of any distinct branchial sac; but Eschricht's figures are not very clear.”
page 175 note * The ventral valve being the valve of attachment in the Brachiopoda as in the Polyzoa.