Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 July 2012
Last summer I began an investigation of the Müllerian duct of Amphibians at the suggestion of Professor Wiedersheim, to whom I am indebted for most kind advice during the progress of my work, as well as for all the material that I have made use of in the course of it.
I have been able to examine stages in the development of the duct in Rana esculenta, Triton alpestris, Salamandra atra and S. maculosa, Siredon pisciformis (Axolotl), and Desmognathus; but I have paid special attention to Salamandra atra and Axolotl, which have not yet been studied in this connection. The Urodeles are easier to work with than the Anura, owing to the comparatively early formation of the Anlage of the Müllerian duct; and I have found Axolotl to be particularly instructive, as the pronephros and segmental duct persist during the early stages of the formation of the Müllerian duct.
I propose in this paper to describe what I have observed in various stages of the development of these two forms, and to compare the results thus arrived at with the appearances described in the published works on the subject.