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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 July 2024
In 851, four and a half centuries before Marco Polo, the anonymous author of a famous report on China and India (Akhbar as-Sin wal-Hind), availing himself of the information brought back by Arab merchants and sailors, gave so careful and meticulous a description of China that specialists even today find few inaccuracies. Yet the same subject is treated by most contemporary scholars with a light-hearted casualness that is confusing and disturbing.
1 Jean Sauvaget. Relation de la Chine et de l'Inde (critical edition and French translation): Les Belles Lettres, 1948.
2 Les Editions de Minuit, 1952.
3 First Series, Baltimore, 1937.
4 The University of Chicago Press, 1953.
5 ‘As the Japanese already do in part.'
6 La Chine future, pp. 34-5.
7 I have borrowed this illustration from Father Lamasse's Sin Kouo Wen.
8 In this connexion see La Chair des Mots in Clés pour la Chine, Gallimard, 1953, pp. 250-8.
9 Payot, 1943.
10 If it is true that early Chinese had inflections (and Karlgren showed that it did) the Chinese we are discussing, the Chinese of the classics, had lost them; at most it preserved some vestiges.
11 Studies in Chinese Thought, pp. 263-85.
12 In 1930-1 at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises.
13 La Philosophie morale dans le Néo-Confucianisme (Tcheou Touen-yi), preface de Paul Demiéville, P.U.F., 1954.
14 Deux Sophistes chinois: Houei Che e Kong-Souen Long, Imprimerie et P.U.F. Bibliothéque de l'Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, 1953.
15 As a substitute for his history of philosophy (in Chinese) (7th edition, Tchong King, 1946) see A Short History of Chinese Philosophy, New York, 1948.
16 La Voie et sa vertu-Editions du Seuil, 1949.
17 Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1953.
18 Preface to Kou Wen by Margouliès, pp. xxxviii-xxxix.
19 Imprimerie de Sien-hsien, 3rd Edition, 1936.
20 Studies in Chinese Thought, pp. 286-303.
21 Excellently translated and presented by Duyvendak in Probsthain Oriental Series, X V II, 1928.
22 Problems of Chinese Education, Kegan, London, 1936.
23 Pierre Seghers, 1949.
24 Sommets de la Littérature chinoise contemporaine, Domat, 1953, pp. 19-20. This is the opening volume, containing summaries, biographical sketches, and unusual bibliographical informa tion.
25 Clés pour la Chine, p. 255.