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What is art? —That which is common to all the arts. —But what do they have in common? —This (or especially this): their products invariably lend themselves to value judgements which stem from Aesthetics.
This reply, usually tacit but invariably understood, cannot, however, repress a further question, this time a rhetorical or an ironic one: and what does not lend itself to such judgements? The consensus omnium, acquired during the last two hundred years, can do no more than at best to mark an initial approach to the desired definition.
1 G. Révész, Einführung in die Musikpsychologie, Bern 1946 (p. 283 f.), a far superior work to his book on the origin of language (very badly translated into French, Paris 1950).
2 In Greece, orators were booed if they repeated the same word after too short an interval.
3 Translators' interpolation.