Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 April 2020
As a result of the nationwide strike wave in August 1980 that gave birth to the Solidarity trade union, the Polish state authorities conceded to the reform of state censorship and to Solidarity creating union bulletins that were not subject to preventative censorship. This article analyses the Solidarity press to explore its censoring through direct state censorship and self-censorship in 1980–1. It argues that Solidarity's dual commitment to truth and legality were irreconcilable and that the state cultivated this conflict, contributing to the undermining of Solidarity's moderate leaders and the treatment of history as an arena for politicisation and state control. It posits that these conflicts have contributed to the current Polish government's frontal assault on the legacy of the Solidarity leadership.
1 Documents indicating that Wałęsa in the 1970s signed an agreement to be a paid informant for the communist security services are crucial to allegations of treachery; however, they only play a part in a wider set of allegations. In the wider context, the PiS government holds that Wałęsa and those who supported him did not sufficiently 1. punish former collaborators with the communist regime and 2. remove them from government positions after 1989. It is posited that these failures were due to a conspiracy to allow communists to retain control of the state. See Drew Hinshaw and Marcus Walker, ‘Poland's New Nationalist Leaders Are Erasing Lech Walesa from History’, Wall Street Journal online, 22 Jan. 2018, (Last accessed 5 Jan. 2018); ‘Tusk: Ojcem naszej niepodległości jest Piłsudski, ojcem naszej wolności – Wałęsa’,, 10 Nov. 2018,,tusk-pilsudski-walesa-historia-polityka-niepodleglosc.html (Last accessed 5 Jan. 2018).
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