The above forum was published with the following errors to three citations from the journal Istoricheski pregled. Those changes have been made and are outlined here:
27 Ivajlo Najdenov, ‘V sveta na svishtovskite targovci bratja Krastich: predpriemacheska kultura, biznes praktiki, etika i man[1]talitet’, Istoricheski pregled 1 (2019): 57–84.
Is now:
27 Ivajlo Najdenov, ‘In the World of the Krăstich Brothers, Merchants from the Town of Svishtov: Entrepreneurial Culture, Business Practices, Ethics and Mentality’, Istoricheski pregled, 75, 1 (2019): 57–84.
29 Maria Alexandrova, ‘Populjarnata gradska muzika v Balgaria ot 20-te godini na XX vek’, Istoricheski pregled 4 (2020): 34–71; Maria Alexndrova, ‘Populjarnata muzika prez 30-te godini v Balgaria’, Istoricheski pregled 3 (2021): 86–135; 4 (2021): 55–101.
Is now:
29 Maria Alexandrova, ‘Popular Urban Music in Bulgaria in the 1920s’, Istoricheski pregled, 76, 4 (2020): 34–71; Maria Alexndrova, ‘Popular Music in Bulgaria in the 1930s (part 1)’, Istoricheski pregled, 77, 3 (2021): 86–135; 77, 4 (2021): 55–101.
30 Stefan Ivanov, ‘Umishlenite ubijstva v Balgaria (1944–1989)’, Istoricheski pregled 2 (2022): 58–91; Stefan Ivanov, ‘Agentite po kriminalna linia v Balgaria’, Istoricheski pregled 4 (2022): 79–108.
Is now:
30 Stefan Ivanov, ‘Intentional Homicides in Bulgaria (1944–1989)’, Istoricheski pregled, 78, 2 (2022): 58–91; Stefan Ivanov, ‘Criminal Agents in Bulgaria (1944–1989)’, Istoricheski pregled, 78, 4 (2022): 79–108.
The author apologises for these errors.